Help with form id prefix Ultimate Ed PC

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:49 am

I am trying to use the console to obtain items unique to certain add ons but the prefixes for the items begin with xx. There is a document that I've read on the wiki about trying to guess the form ID by figuring out which order the add ons load, but I bought the Ultimate Edition on steam. Does anyone know the specific modifier codes for this? If it helps I'm trying to get Christine's COS sniper rifle and other items. Any help would be appreciated.

***I am also going to post on the FO3 board about the same thing, but if you know the answer for the FO3 GOTY if you know the answer to that too it would be helpful.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:16 am

There was a thread about it in the front page of this section.

so im trying to add some items to my inventory via the console

on the fallout wikia it said i had to use this

Dead Money (09)
Honest Hearts (02)
Old World Blues (06)
Lonesome Road (07)

in place of the 'xx' in the base id

lets take the base stealth suit

the id gave me is xx00e1b7

that should make this command the correct one

player.additem 0200e1b7 1

but it doesnt work, it just gives me an error saying the item isnt found

can anyone help me with this? it doesnt make any sense

and please dont tell me to just go get the items i want where theyre planted, if i wanted to do that i wouldnt be asking about console commands

thanks in advance
I had the same issue, just go through the ID using 01 through 09 at the beginning, That's how I found the code to the Gecko Backed Leather Armor. Just enter the ID, switching the first 2 digits, until you find the right one. :smile: (Honest Heart Items on my system start with 07...)

The codes depend on how the DLCs are loaded on YOUR system, so the wiki wouldn't know for sure which ones are the right codes.
Copied directly from said thread.
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:39 am

I swear i tried every number 1-9 and nothing, but this time I entered 09 and it worked. I did see the previous post, but I assumed since I didn't download the DLCs that it was a UE issue. Thanks for the help.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:22 pm

Those ID prefixes he posted from wiki don't match my UE load order even close. This could easily vary from one PC to another based on if you use a mod manager or have other mods you loaded with older dates.

FYI if you want to add from other DLC content in the future the best way to be sure of YOUR load order is to use FOMM or FNVEdit to look at the actual load order on your system. It can be different from one system to the next.
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Karl harris
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:27 am

If you don't have any other mods with master files Dead Money would be 01. If you use a Mod Manager the DLC's should be in order of release.

00 FalloutNV.esm
01 DeadMoney.esm
02 HonestHearts.esm
03 OldWorldBlues.esm
04 LonesomeRoad.esm

I don't have any of the stuff packs so they're not in mine.

So, the ID for the COS Rifle would be 030112BA - it's in OWB.

When I start new characters I regularly insta-get the COS Rifle and some ammo. But, I use a batch file and load it through the console while playing, as I also have other game settings and things in there as well. Saves inputting a dozen or so commands individually.
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:48 am

If you don't have any other mods with master files Dead Money would be 01. If you use a Mod Manager the DLC's should be in order of release.

00 FalloutNV.esm
01 DeadMoney.esm
02 HonestHearts.esm
03 OldWorldBlues.esm
04 LonesomeRoad.esm

I don't have any of the stuff packs so they're not in mine.

So, the ID for the COS Rifle would be 030112BA - it's in OWB.

When I start new characters I regularly insta-get the COS Rifle and some ammo. But, I use a batch file and load it through the console while playing, as I also have other game settings and things in there as well. Saves inputting a dozen or so commands individually.

I have no other mods, besides the official DLCs (Ultimate Edition) and the prefix for Honest Heart is 07 on my system. I just go through the prefixes, starting with 01, until I find what I'm looking for.
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