I'm following this tutorial:
It says the first thing to do in the nifskope is to set the Emissive color to white in the NiMaterialProperty;
well, the model I'm using does not have a NiMaterialProperty,
Now I did all the steps minus the emissive color change, but it turned out pretty darn poor yo.
So I tried to add a NiMaterialProperty, but I'm unsure of where to hook it up at, or even if I can do such a thing.
Also, is there a specific slot I need to put my Clouds_g.dds, in relation to the purple flowers in the TextureSets?
Also, I'm not using a normal map, at least, it doesn't need one. Any help, tips, etc, would be magnanimous frens. holla
Edit; and what does an Alpha channel actually do? I've tried to google it a few times and search on this site, Idk if I ever knew. is it like a specular map for the main dds?