Thanks for the help guys. I think I will do a perk focus on alteration, I can invest points into stamina instead of hp and do more wicked blade kills. I'll probably do experimenting with destruction but not take any of the perks for it.
I'm sitting at level 33 with virtually the same setup it sounds like (except I'm an orc) and I have to say I'm kind of regretting Destruction. Just hit 50 in Destruction and am underwhelmed by the new ranks of the attack spells. The cloak spells are interesting, but really I'd rather just have my points back and either go down the block line, or put them somewhere else and either dual wield or keep heal in the offhand, which is how I have to mostly play as is.
That really svcks. I know how that feels. My first character made it to level 50 and I wasted sooo many perks that really weren't necessary, but I was playing adept so it didn;t matter. But now I am playing master with no fast travel, so I have to be focused on my character more.