» Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:09 pm
Yeah, I wish I could help... but I've got nothing. I'm on my final attempt as a pure mage, before I give up on the game for a while. I may take a break and come back after it has been patched.
All I can say is, I've run into several problems that make this game svck for me.
1) Destruction skill goes up very slow. There's not enough enemies in the world to beat on, and if you go looking, you will just run into things that 1-shot you.
2) I've gotten my Conjuration skill to 50 but still the only spells available are Conjure Familiar and Conjure Flame Atronach.
3) Even with the perks, Alteration shield spells take far too much magicka. In fact, all spells that do anything worthwhile take far too much magicka.
4) Magicka regenerates way, way, way too slow in combat, even with enchantments that make it regenerate faster. Fighting dragons is a horrible experience.
I'm thinking I would have been better off as a heavy armored warrior with a shield. But then I bet I would still fail.