the entire system of morrowind is built upon the dice roll. the character sheet. get rid of that and you have... oblivion and skyrim.
This is partially true. But it's not that Magyaronny wants to rid himself of dicerolls completely - he just wants one aspect of them to be removed, which is something you and I may disagree with but hey, at least he's playing Morrowind. If he still has dicerolls for speechcraft, spellcasts, security, mercantilsm, and virtually every other thing in the game then he's already a few steps above Oblivion, and pretty much on the level with Fallout and Fallout: New Vegas, both of which are games I would consider pretty fun RPGs.
roleplaying in games with one's mind and imagination has nothing to do with rpg-character based mechanics. that's what i'm babbling about Ravenius Magyaronny it's not a difficult concept to grasp.
Fixed. I didn't say anything about babbling. All I did was find the apparent contradiction in your wording to be amusing.
Second of all, roleplaying in your head and using dice rolls and statistics for your character are two parts of the same coin. In the same way that removing dice rolls and stats leaves you with Skyrim, removing the roleplaying element and leaving just statistics and dice rolls leaves with, at best a bland simulator and at worst a Las Vegas craps table video game. The entire premise of the original RPG, tabletop D&D was to give your imagination a structure, and a format with which to impose reasonable limitations on yourself and your character, and have a sort of standard or objective format for roleplaying.
Not to take the RP out of RPG.