Something needs to be fixed on the Mothership Zeta add-on for Fallout 3. At the start of the quest "This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough" all of the following npcs come through the teleportation matrix. All of the npcs are supposed to stand in the center of the room where you can look down and see Earth. A hologram of an alien head is supposed to appear and talk. The hologram does not appear no matter what I do. The npc Sally is supposed to open the locked door in this room so I can continue on with the mission. Because of the hologram not appearing she will not open said door. Everyone stands in this center of the room and I can not progress any further. I have invested over 70 hours into my current save, so deletion is not an option. I have no saves of before the glitch happened my only save is in the room they are in. So, please if there is a fix tell me. From what I've seen I'm not the only person with this problem.