I drool at the thought of the finished product, but the difference between armor in MW and OB is looking like it'd be a big thorn in my side. MW has pauldrons as separate parts of armor to the cuirass, and gloves are separate from one another, which I'll have to sort out if I'm going to replace all the armor. The gloves seem easy enough to sort out, but the pauldrons will be harder. In other conversions, this doesn't seem to be a problem, but that's probably because the people doing them have experience with modelling and whatnot, so can physically separate the pieces of armor. I don't think that's an option for someone like me. So I thought what I might be able to do was simply remove pauldrons from the game, and have armor work like how it does in OB. However, I think I'm right in saying that simply deleting so many items that are abundant in the game is impossible. Pauldrons are lying about everywhere, sitting around in houses or as loot, and might be given by NPCs somewhere, or whatever.
So my questions are; how can I get around that problem? Can this project be done at all, or am I in way over my head?