In MS11WuunferthArrest, how does the guard open Wuunferth's cell door? I've looked in the scene, in the marker, around the marker, at the door - I can't find anything. I'm trying to replicate the action in my own scene (which is quite similar), but having a travel package on my guard that sends him directly to a marker by the cell door of my cell - which he has the key to (the Windhelm Jail Key in this case, this is the cell on the far right of the Barracks/Jail with the master lock) doesn't make him open it, so my prisoner character just tries to get into the cell by shoving against the door until he teleports in.
Does anyone know how this was done? Everything else in my scene works, just this one part is eluding me. I've been told to use the lock list and I've also been told to use the procedure but I'm not sure where to start. If anyone could give me a more step by step tutorial I'd appreciate it. In this case, I'm looking for a little bit of handholding. It's my last bug.