scn JMVampScriptbegin ScriptEffectStart messagebox "Attempting Vampirism" modav health -2 player.modav health 2 messagebox "Done"end
scn JMVampScriptActfloat timerref meref Sourcebegin scripteffectstart messagebox "Equipped" label 1 if ( timer < 1 ) set timer to timer + getSecondsPassed Messagebox "Timer" else Set me to getself Set Source to JMVampAct1 Messagebox "Moving Activator" Source.moveto me 0, 0, 0 Messagebox "Casting spell" Source.cast JMVampSpell me endif if(player.getequipped JMVampHelmet==1) messagebox "Looping" goto 1 endifend
I have created a spell JMVampSpell that has the JMVampScript effect.
I have created an Enchantment JMVampirisim that has the script JMVampScriptAct.
I have created a helmet JMVampHelmet that has the JMVampirism enchantment.
I made an activator JMVampAct1 that is in a blank cell and is a persistent referencce and is initially disabled.
None of it works. My debug messages do not run, and there are no effects anywhere. I added the spell to myself and the spell works properly. What am I doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated.