- For a first character, I'd go with the good ol' Warrior of Skyrim. Magic is more difficult than Morrowind (More spells, less game manual information) and is waaaay more developped than Oblivion's basic magic system.
- Refuse quests if you think they will be hard. The world is so huge that it won't affect your reputation permanently. Don't accept a certain quest where someone wants you to go fetch a magical scroll... it's a VERY bad idea for a starter characters. (
Spoiler You face powerful Daedras...
- If you want to join a guild, I'd go with the Fighter's Guild. They only have combat-oriented missions and the first missions will help you get the basics of combat.
- When dungeon diving, make yourself a save at the entrance and a save only for dungeon crawling. So if you are stuck because you are lost, or because of a game breaking bug, you can revert to your backups. And sometimes in dungeons, you WILL need to cheat by using a neat cheat that teleports your character to the last steps he made. (You need to use alt-F11, but I'm not sure. Somebody correct me on this?) So if you pass through a wall and you fall in the darkness, use the code to get back to your last position.
- Don't forget to use the 3D view of your dungeon map, it's very helpful.
- My control scheme is a mix between Oblivion and Morrowind. I use the Mouse to turn and view my environment, I move with WASD (Not that complicated). I activate with spacebar and jump with E. I sheathe my weapon with F, sneak with CTRL, access my map with TAB, run with SHIFT, etc.
- For better immersion, if you use the mouse view, turn off the HUD at the bottom in the options, it only shows you your health, magicka and fatigue.
- If you can, take a look on the UESP in the Holydays section and time your travels with the holyday dates. Sometimes you can get free cure disease or free inns.
- Avoid the city of Daggerfall at night... or die trying.
- Accepting quests from merchants and inn keepers is a good way to make quick money. But watch out, some of those quest givers can be tricky men. Read between their dialogue lines..

- If you want free inns, join a Knight Order. But their missions are a bit more difficult than the Fighters Guild.
- Another way to do quick money is to visit the royal families, many of them offer "Fed Ex" quests.
- Last tip. SAVE!!! The game is really buggy! And make a few backups too, just in case the game crashes while saving..
Rest well this night, for tomorrow you'll sail for the kingdom, of Daggerfall. (THE line I'll forever remember.
