Wood Elf: Female
Attributes: Intelligence and agility
Birthsign: Thief
Alchemy (is this a no no?)
I’d basically like my battle sequence to go something like:
Ranged sneak attack w/ poison
Conjure meat shield
Finish w/ bow or blade or go invisible
I’ve have some experience w/ Oblivion. I understand the leveling system. I’d like to efficiently level enough so my characters are viable at later in the game, but am not obsessed with it.
I‘ve played through level 4 and I’m not leveling END very quickly. I’m concerned with this since I know END can be important early game. Also I’m concerned about releying only on ranged weapons, should I have taken blade, blunt as a major?
Any suggestions or tweaks that I should make? Things I should focus on early game? Any help is much appreciated.