Okay so what I want to do is create a sysrtem similar to how silver swords work that will allow me to create more damage types that specifically target certain types of enemies. I was very godo with scripting in the Oblivion CS but Papyrus and the Perk system are a bit beyond me as of yet.
I did my best to reverse engineer the way that silver weapons work, but I'm not sure I understand the relationship between everything.
The silver damage bonus seems to be divided into four parts, a script, a perk, a magical effect, and an enchantment.
Strangely enough (at least strange to me), the silver weapons don't seem to have the enchantment, which confuses me.
First, the script itself:
Scriptname SilverSwordScript extends ObjectReference Perk Property SilverPerk autoEvent OnEquipped(Actor akActor)akActor.AddPerk(SilverPerk)EndEventEvent OnUnEquipped(Actor akActor)akActor.RemovePerk(SilverPerk)EndEvent
I don't know papyrus, but this is easy enough to understand. When the actor has the weapon in question equipped, they have the SilverPerk added to them. When it is unequipped, it is removed. Simple enough.
Now for the perk, and this is where it goes off the rails for me.
The Perk has an Entry Point that "Calculate Weapon Damage" "Add Value" "Value = http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1467036-help-me-wrap-my-head-around-this-please/Value + 20". This seems simple. Unless I'm mistaken, it's just saying "Add 20 points to weapon damage".
But that is literally all it has. No conditions given, nothing.
Instead, we find conditions in the Magic Effect. Value Modifier, Fire and Forget, Contact.. basically "hit something to modify a value". It also says "Assoc. Item 1: Health", but I don't really understand what that means or how it related to anything else. I can make the assumption that it means that the value being modified on contact is health, and that would fit with what Silver is supposed to do, but nowhere is listed how much damage. That is listed in the Perk, but I have no idea how the two are interrelated. I find nothing that points from one to the other, so I have no idea how, or even if the Perk and the MGEF are referencing one another.
It also has conditions which define what it will effect, basically, undead, ghosts and werewolve, that part is easy to understand.
Finally, we have the enchantment, which is simply adding the Silver MGEF into an enchantment, and listing it as a magnitude of 20. I have.. no.. idea why this is even here. No weapon has this enchantment. It has zero users. I also don't know why the 20 magnitude is listed here when it is coded into the perk. I don't even know if this Enchantment is tied to the MGEF in any way but superficially.
I don't understand how the MGEF and the Perk are referencing one another, even though it seems like they must, since they each only have one half of what they need (actual damage modifier vs conditions for that modifier), and I certainly don't understand where the enchantment fits in.
If anyone could help me sort this out and understand how this all interconnects and ultimately functions, I would appreciate it. Thank you
EDIT: I'm this much of a noob |---------------------------------------------|
I only now just noticed that in the Perk it has weapon and target conditions. Does this mean that the MGEF and Enchantment were some kind of prototypes that Bethesda decided not to lose, and that if the Perk meets its conditions it will do the damage?