Thanks guys, nice suggestions. I ended up going with something completely different a few days ago, and I like it so far:
Race: Orc
Attributes: Strength, Intelligence
Skills (Can't remember major or minor right now)
Heavy Armor
I have BTB's balancing mod which allows for a couple more skills, which seemed pretty much perfect for me. I don't think I would change anything, seems pretty balanced to me. I use my Axe for close quarter battles which is already at like 50, then Spear for longer range although it's in the low 20s (I try to use it whenever I can) All my magic is for supporting purposes except for Conjuration which is offensive. Orc and armor skills are great for staying alive, and so I can take quite a beating before having to use Restoration or something. I've been clearly outmatched in the past by some really tough enemies, but overall I seem to taking things pretty well. Currently trying to do pilgrimages for Temple and quests for the Fighter's Guild and I'm really enjoying everything so far. Looking to join House Redoran soon... Oh, actually, right now I'm investigating this really tall tower next to Balmora

Looks like it would be a cool house but the people don't seem to be friendly, or at least the gatekeeper didn't. I know I said I'm not much of an RPer, but I haven't been this into a game in a while. Really immerse.