I recently have been receiving a fair number of messages from novice mod users concerning how to install Hemingwey's Capes. This is a good thing, it means new users are joining our community.
I decided to post here my reply to a recent missive, in hopes of being able to simply point simliar inquiries to this post. Perhaps the information here will even avoid the need for folks to send me private messages concerning basic mod installation. :wink_smile:
hey hemingway i got a little problem with your cape mod v2. the thing is the game doesnt seem to register it at all its as if the mod isnt even being used no new merchants appeared and the old ones dont have any capes even though the mod is running. any ideas? thanks
Dear NamewithheldbyHem:
I am happy to help, if I can.
If what I tell you below does not work, then I am probably going to need to know
exactly what you did, step by step, when attempting to install Hemingwey's Capes. I will also need to know things like...are you using OBMM or Wyre Bash to install, order and activate your mods...or are you a true beginner and simply using the default game launcher, what other mods are you using (yes, all of them), etc.
In the mean time, while I am waiting for your reply, I will lay out how you accomplish a very basic install of this mod.
First, when you download the mod, the download should consist of a single "7zip" self extracting file named "Hemingweys_Capes_v2_0.exe".
If you didn't set up a separate folder to hold this file, I recommend you go ahead and set one up somewhere on your hard drive (or other place you like to store downloads). For example, you could have a folder in My Documents called "Oblivion Mods" and in that folder create a subfolder for each mod you download (
ever). So I, for example, have a folder in My Documents called Oblivion/Hemingweys Capes where I keep a backup of my Hemingweys Capes mod files, right next to one for Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul (and literally hundreds of other Oblivion mods).
Once you have Hemingweys_Capes_v2_0.exe in a separate folder, double click on the exe file and it should extract all the Hemingweys Capes mod files into your Hemingweys Capes folder. The resulting files/folders should consist of three folders: meshes, textures and alternate versions, as well as two esp files "Hemingweys Capes.esp" and "Hemingweys NPC Capes.esp," and two text documents, "Hemingweys Capes Readme v2_0.txt" and "Hemingweys Capes Spoilers Guide v2_0.txt" Make sure you have all those folder/files. (By the way, you really, really should read the readme file for this and every mod you install. The readme file usually answers most, if not all, user questions.)
Now... open a separate window and find your Oblivion game install folder....where you have Oblivion installed. Usually this folder is "C:/Program Files/Bethesda Softworks/Oblivion". Inside this folder should be a folder called "Data". Open the Data folder.
Next, COPY "Hemingweys Capes.esp" and "Hemingweys NPC Capes.esp" AND the "texture" and "meshes" folders from your Hemingweys Capes storage folder into the Oblivion "Data" folder. You will get a warning, asking whether you want to overwrite certain files. Click "yes to all". This shouldn't really do anything except ADD the Hemingwey's Capes files to your Oblivion Data folder.
Check to make sure "Hemingweys Capes.esp" and "Hemingweys NPC Capes.esp" are now in your Data folder. Then, in the Data folder, find the "meshes" folder. In your Oblivion meshes folder should be a folder called "HemsCapes" and in that folder should be a bunch of folders called "Cape1," "Cape2," etc. A similar check can be made in your Oblivion/Data/textures folder, which should also contain a folder called "HemsCapes," which in turn contains hundreds of folders called "Cape1," Cape2," etc.
Now...I am going to assume you are simply using the default Oblivion launcher to launch your game. Start the launcher (i.e. click on the Oblivion icon on your desk top), and select "Data Files" in the menu. Check the boxes next to "Hemingweys Capes.esp" and "Hemingweys NPC Capes.esp" and click "Okay"...then start your game.
The capes should all be there in your game...and the merchants...and town gaurds (except in the Imperial City) and other NPCs should be walking around wearing capes.
I hope this helps. Please feel free to write back and let me know if you are successful (or need more help).