Didnt say we were the only violent species, no we dont eat our young, instead we just drop bombs on eachother, poison eachother, and find new ways to kill eachother, God knows how many ways we already have but we are always finding more, and an new technology will just have people working on it thinking "so how can this be used to kill people", we are different from animals, they dont do things we do, we do things they dont. We have progressed fastest during war, we are constantly fighting, finding new ways to make eachother suffer, and new ways to exploit others. Nature is violent, but it gets worse when you have our minds and technology just adding to the violence. People hate/kill for anything, atleast most animalls do it for food. We just do it for stupid insignificant reasons. No I dont see my post as stupid, humanity is a destructive force, I see it as nothing more than destructive.
Please give me one way I could see humanity otherwise, something that can stand against all of our destructive nature, becaus I see nothing that goes against just how destutive we are.
Again, your focusing all of your post on to one aspect of our lives. Violence.
Your forgetting everything else that we do which makes us Human.
Your forgetting the leaps and bounds our technology has made over the last 100 years. You are completely ignoring the fact that we have doubled our lifespan. You are ignoring the fact that we have explored and learned countless libraries full of knowledge. You are forgetting the hundreds upon hundreds of books, music, movies which we have made. Not to mention the countless thousands of people who dedicate their lives for the sake of Conservation. Conservation of this planet and it's denizens.
I can go on and on and on and on about all the good things mankind has contributed to this Planet, and all of the improvements we have made for ourselves.
Your taking one narrow point, one narrow facet of Humanity, and your completely making it seem as if our sole goal on this planet is to murder each other in creative ways.
Humanity is in the bind it is now because of Ignorance. Apathy. Lack of Motivation.
We can change everything about the way we are. We can change, and fix almost all of the damage we have done to this Planet. We can do this, You, and everyone else just has to want to. It is as simple, and as difficult, as that.
Go and read some Carl Gustav Jung. Maybe that will kindle some hope in those dried out reserves.
"There is always hope, until you, yourself abandon it."