Here is what i think we should do!

Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:55 pm

I think that everybody that has any problems with the dlc's should PM the people from bethesda/obsidian. Why ?? To draw some attention to the many topics that have been created to talk about DLC bugs/glitches . This is just ridiculous and if we don't find a way to draw the game developer's attention we are not going to get the fix that we deserve , the patch that they have obligation of releasing , afterall it is ridiculous to pay 10 bucks on a DLC that you can't properly play!! Bethesda please listen to your fans !!Obsidian you should listen too!! Because i bet that you guys are going to loose a lot of money if you don't fix this stuff. I heard people saying that dlc's framerarte(speacially OWB) can get to the point of 0.5 Frame per second!! Are you frickin kiddin' me ?? PS1 games didn't have that kind of crap!!
This is not a hate/flame post/topic it's just a fan trying to help you(bethesda and obsidian) and your fans . So help this cause!!Please!!
Oh yes and one last thing ... Be polite , don't act like animals or you will not be taken seriously!
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:19 am

Good idea, the more attention we can gather the better.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:30 pm

They're working on it, getting mad does not make the patching process go any faster.
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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:26 am

They look at the bug threads, and have tried to fix them several times.
I don t think they can fix them, or it would have been done already.

I help the cause by [censored]ing in the bug threads. I am not going to pester the devs about something they are without a doubt fully aware of.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:49 pm

Unless the UK is seperate and mutated as far as DLC/patches go, I'm still saying the only glitches were nothing loading an autosave load couldn't fix.

Since the megapatch that is... Before the patch, well. it had to redo the hard drive partitions every time New Vegas froze.
As it hasn't since the patch, and the biggest bug i faced was one characters dialogue...

I choose to see Graham and Daniels in one tribe camp as them attempting to decide amongst themselves what to do, and side effect of me abusing the herbal tea apparition to get some "Talk to Graham" quests solved.
This is still on the first character i made, which due to less than optimistic people in the pre-orders department was made a day before release, so save size is still just save/quit game/load when it goes all matrix slow-mo without turbo.

So, yeah. only reason i'm not still in Mojave right now is so i can save the last 5 level-ups for Lonesome Road.
I'll still travel though on the endless search for a Helmet to match my new armour though... nothing on the wiki seemed to match, but i can hope.
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:46 am

That last fix worked great on most of the problems it was intended to address except one...the infinite loading screens. Almost every single time you try loading from an auto save it will sit there forever on the loading screen.

The other MAJOR issue that has YET to be addressed and is making me second guess getting back into the game after almost six months is the absolutely HORRIBLE frame rate drops. Dropping a few frames I can handle, but dropping down to LITERALLY 2 to 3 frames PER SECOND is unacceptable not to mention UNPLAYABLE. :banghead:
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:35 am

Here's what we should do, don't buy the DLCs anymore. I bought OWB, and still have yet to play it because of the horrendous frame rate drops, which Bethesda/Obsidian won't even address. I'm passing on Lonesome Road, I really wanted to play it, but since Bethesda/Obsidian won't fix the problems with OWB, then I will just skip Lonesome Road.

I'm a devoted Fallout fan but after the OWB debacle, I am fed up with how things are handled by Bethesda/Obsidian.
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:05 am

I really don t think it can be fixed without really redoing a lot of the game. The engine is ancient, and is probably past what it can handle.

Plus, if Obsidian did this with no help from Bethesda tech people, they do not know as much about the engine, and had a deadline to meet. Its not an excuse, but it is the reason I tell myself. I also tell myself that the creation engine is going to make the world a better place.
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