Frankly, the only explanation for Hungers in the Shivering Isles is that Haskill says "Sheogorath is particularily fond of the Hungers."
Good enough for me.

I can only agree with that.
He would be fond of this thread as well I think.
By whom are these daedric associations made? I mean in my country(giving us meat and milk, Sheogorath would love that) for example "cows" would be associated with something completely different than they would be associated with in India. In some countries cats are holy beings, in other countries they are eaten (hmm, maybe that's the same, should rethink that

A change is coming. Everything changes. Even Daedric Princes. Especially Daedric Princes. - Sheogorath in SI
Since everything changes I think there is no much purpose in disputing over associations. Dremoras are the only Deadra we have literal proof of that they served another Prince before Mehrunes. So what reason should there be to think that other deadra should'nt change their affiliations, and they don't give a thing what we associate with them

results met by consensus have more value and weight then those that were less agreed upon
Do you really believe that? I remember someone recently informed us that most people in TES General believe Sithis is a god. That's still wrong, no matter how much people concede it as true.