The texture on the cape is a white silk jacquard. I know it may seem girly for the guys and all, but if you look at it this way, the greek gods had alot of their things made out of nothing but the best. So I figure that using the fabric jacquard would be perfect because is it the best.
Hermes' Divine Wraps....
CS Shot of Hermes' Helm.....
Hermes' Armor Set w/o Bracers, Pauldrons and Sandals....
Hermes' Full Godly Armor Set
Hermes standing in a corner by himself.....I wonder what he could be thinking.....

Anyways, I am still working on this because I want to make the cape animated to act as if it were blowing in the wind as you walk around. I have a few clipping issues to work out but nonetheless this armor set be given out per request. It's a very personal modder's resource of mine and my very first armor set I have ever made in my years of modding.

Edit: Forgot this shot here:
Full Hermes Armor Set: Hermes' Plumed Helm of Feathers, Hermes' Plumed Left and Right Pauldrons, Hermes' Left and Right Bracers, Hermes' Caped Neckplate Armor, Hermes' Divine Wraps and Hermes Golden Sandals of Flight. The boots you see to the left are a bonus. Hermes' Golden Boots of Speed.