-Race: Imperial
-Name: Gyvanth Caver
-Birthsign: The Thief
-Class: Quick-Blade
-Attributes, skills and level: Strength 50 Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 Agility 70 Speed 70 Endurance 40 Personality 50 Luck 50
Alchemy 80 Alteration 30 Conjuration 30 Destruction 30 Illusion 50 Mysticism 50 Restoration 60, Archery 70
-Gear: Glass shortsword, Elven bow. All fur armor enchanted with some type fo defensive spells (your chaise)
-Where you want them in the game: Any dungeon in the Northern Mountains, he loves the cold

-A small back story on your character: He grew up in the imperial city, where he practiced the art of parkour. With this agility and speed, he is deadly with a shortsword. When he was 18, he was kicked out by his parents. Instinctively, he wandered north into the mountains. he has ever since wandered the Mountaintops, looking for answers.
Appearance: Fairly young, short, croppped/military hair. Brown hair, blue eyes.