[Rel] Heroes of Cyrodiil Thread II

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:52 am

No problem what so ever. Everything is prefixed with z to make them easier to find. (I do this for myself mostly)
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:17 pm

Hey I've got some pics of Celtic Farwalking, just mail them to you, I don't feel like dealing with image hosting at the moment
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:44 pm

Ive just started modding and ive always wanted a Mercanery group of my own, So now i can :D Thanks to you and basicly showing me how to do it.
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:04 am

Hey, Uglylyx, keep up the good work man! This mod is turning out awesome! I've already had to kill other people's characters, or I would've been dead myself...

Any chance for an update on the status of my two characters?
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:04 am

This has been empty lately, Do people not realise how awsome this mod is...
I have an idea for you Uglylyx, why dont you say that people can have there own houses aswell, In citys or in the wilderness.
I think more people would want it if you did that.
And it isnt really very hard to do
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:33 am

This has been empty lately, Do people not realise how awsome this mod is...
I have an idea for you Uglylyx, why dont you say that people can have there own houses aswell, In citys or in the wilderness.
I think more people would want it if you did that.
And it isnt really very hard to do

Yes but currently there are 50 characters. 50 new houses would be far too much work. It would also cause problems with city modifying mods too.

As another note. Seeing as there are 50 characters I plan on making one more package of at least 10 characters. I'm getting less and less free time and my City improvement mod is also taking up time. For the time being I am taking a short break from modding but in a week or two I begin working on the last package.

However after this I will continue to update the current packages to fix any bug etc that people report to me or that I find (That I missed before).
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:00 am

Yes but currently there are 50 characters. 50 new houses would be far too much work. It would also cause problems with city modifying mods too.

I dont think everybody would want one, but that bit about city mods is true, there would be far to many problems with that.

As another note. Seeing as there are 50 characters I plan on making one more package of at least 10 characters. I'm getting less and less free time and my City improvement mod is also taking up time. For the time being I am taking a short break from modding but in a week or two I begin working on the last package.

I guess it does take up a lot of your time. I think i had better check out those city improvement mods
If you ever need anybody to make a few npcs, if you havnt got time, id gladly help.
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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:34 pm

I guess it does take up a lot of your time. I think i had better check out those city improvement mods
If you ever need anybody to make a few npcs, if you havnt got time, id gladly help.

As good as that offer is I have to decline. Although the amount of free time this mod takes is a factor of my ending development the main factor is that I have reached the goal amount I set out to create. I feel that I can squeeze in one last batch but after that it would be just too many cookies in the jar. I don't want to the world to be filled with so many unique heroes that the normal civilians feel like the uncommon things.

On the upside I may create a pack or two for Shiver Isles now that I've finally acquired it. I will also make the single pack for Heroes of Elsweyr if I can get enough characters.

Don't forget that I will still update the mod with bug fixes so don't forget to report them to me. :)
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:24 pm

I will also make the single pack for Heroes of Elsweyr if I can get enough characters.

I downloaded it but the Races are pink and black, and some of the things like, signs, items, horses are pink aswelll
That means that the havnt got Textures i think, i have all 3 files of TesNexus but it still doesnt work.
Can you suggest anything?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:17 am

I downloaded it but the Races are pink and black, and some of the things like, signs, items, horses are pink aswelll
That means that the havnt got Textures i think, i have all 3 files of TesNexus but it still doesnt work.
Can you suggest anything?

Try the all in one download. It worked for me.
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Annick Charron
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 am

I didnt know there was one... ill get it
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:13 am

Are you ever going to make a HEROES OF SI...or perhaps a VILLIANS OF CYRODIIL? For the villians, just make them so they level with the player.
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:12 am

Are you ever going to make a HEROES OF SI...or perhaps a VILLIANS OF CYRODIIL? For the villians, just make them so they level with the player.

There are a couple villain characters in Heroes of Cyrodiil. I can't give you a full list because I don't have time to go through the notes I kept but there is a good amount. I may make something for SI but I will at the most make 2 packs because SI is a rather small place.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:51 pm

Well, this is interesting, I have a bug report, at least for me. I don't know if anyone else has this, but I did some testing and testing on my load order and came to find out that Heroes of Cyridil (Part one) was making the Bruma Stables vanish! Once I disabled it, they reappeared. Odd, right? Just so you can see, here's my load order. Heroes of Cyrodil part one was crammed between 2 and 3.

Better Cities Resources.esm
Living Economy.esp
Living Economy - Items.esp
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp
Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
Denock Arrows.esp
Real Lava 1.3.esp
Enhanced Grabbing.esp
Birthsigns Expanded.esp
Immersive Travelers.esp
Heroes of Cyrodiil Part 3.esp
Heroes of Cyrodiil Part 2.esp
EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer for OOO.esp
Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp
Harvest [Flora].esp
TNR - ShiveringIsles no helms.esp
Life Detected - OMOD.esp
Better Cities Full.esp
Better Imperial City.esp
Better Cities - Full City Defences.esp
Better Cities Full - LEYAWIIN No Flooding.esp

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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:57 pm

Yes this problem was reported to me recently. I include a fix in pack 2 (or 3 can't remember) which fixed this. If you're still having the problem after moving the 2nd pack after the first please tell me and I'll make an update directly to the first pack. Which I will do whenever I start working on the final pack in a few days.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:41 pm

Kay. =). I wasn't sure if you knew or not. Kinda an odd thing for a mod that adds NPCs ain't it? ^^
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:30 am

Kay. =). I wasn't sure if you knew or not. Kinda an odd thing for a mod that adds NPCs ain't it? ^^

Ya there's a dead guy behind them but somehow it (The Stables) got selected and moved a bit to the north.
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:33 pm

Race: Imperial (If you don't want another Imperial, I suppose that you could use a nord.)

Name: Darius Callahan

Level: 31

Class: Warrior (custom class. generic name)

Major Skills: Armorer 71, Athletics 52, Blade 76, Block 39 (bleh), Heavy Armor 82, Acrobatics 42, Light Armor 28

Minor Skills: Blunt 16, Hand to Hand 27, Alchemy 51, Alteration 31, Conjuration 40, Destruction 100, Illusion 6 (lol), Mysticism 72, Restoration 70, Marksman 10, Mercantile 32, Security 59 (w/skeleton key. 19 without?), Sneak 53, Speechcraft 40

Attributes: Strength 67, Intelligence 67, Willpower 76, Agility 43, Speed 56, Endurance 76, Personality 63, Luck 59

Gear: Apotheosis, an enchanted steel saber with 45 points of drain health for 6 seconds on target instead. Redwave is a vanilla Artifact (at least is is unique) and should be treated as such, Ring of Aegis (sheild 8%), Ring of Retribution (Reflect damage 8%), Amulet of Reflection (reflect spell 8%), Ebony Armor (minus the helmet), An enchanted sword That does fire damage (choose an amount. The actual sword is from OOO, so make something up), a lot of vampire dust (seriously, I have 114 in my inventory, over a hundred at home), Journyman Alchemy equipment (all of it)

Factions(all listed are vanilla): Order of Virtuous Blood, Fighters Guild (Journeyman), Mages Guild (Apprentice)

Birthsign: The Mage

Against: All vamps/players with a high infamy

Darius was born into a family of farmers who lived in a small farm community in The West Weald. He lived there until his family and neighbors were killed in a vampire attack at the age of 10. He was found by a man named Seridur the following morning. He took him in and taught him basic combat and magic skills. After the attack, he vowed to avenge his parents deaths by killing the clan of vampires who had ruined his life (I don't know a lore based vamp clan. Make one up?). Many years later, he heard rumors that the same clan that had killed his parents was located in Barren Cave, He set off the next morning. After fighting through the cave, at this point his oath accomplished, he noticed two particular bodies on the ground of the cave. The bodies were his parents. This didn't grieve him much though, as he considered his parents to have been deceased a decade and a half ago (he didn't see them as his parents anymore due to their vamparism). He still travels the land in search of vampires and vampire dens to destroy

Location: Fort Redman. He will follow the player into the fort and aid him in battle if the play requests it. He only attacks vampires and people with very high infamy (if that is possible)


That's his face for reference

edit: Arggh, read that 50 is the cap on your amount of characters. If you make the pack of 10, go ahead and use the above.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:59 am

Here's the final packs' roster. After I'm done this I want to focus on my City Beautification Project for a while but I do hope on creating a pack or two for Shivering Isles sometime in the future.

Name: Mephesto

Race: Altmer

His highest attribute are strength and speed, with all the rest being around average, and luck being a bit below average.

He has two skills that are at 100, and those are Blade and Sneak. His other skills that high, probably in the seventies, are Mercantile, Illusion, Security, Acrobatics, and Destruction. The rest of his skills are range from slightly below average to way below average.

His inventory is a Black Robe, no hood, with a shield enchant of 10, a pair of glass boots with no enchantment, and a pair of glass gauntlets with no enchantment. His Weapon is a daedric longsword, with a Soul Trap enchantment on it. For magic he has a few long-range elemental destruction spells, a touch Damage Health spell of average power, and a 20% Chamaleon. That's it for magic.

In his inventory he has some healing potions, poisons, Black Soul gems both full and empty, a copy of The Five Tenets, a few gold ( no more than ten or twenty), and a few gems.

I have him at level 25.

Appearance: He appears to be in his late twenties or early thirties, His skin is rather dark for an Altmer. His eyes are green. His hairstyle is Loose, long, and it's white. The rest of his appearance is left at the defaults.

Fighting Style: He stays far back for a little while, firing his long-range spells at his enemies. One his enemies are close-up, he switches to his close-range spell and uses that in combination with his longsword. When his health gets below about 15 percent, he uses his Invisibility spell and attempts to flee.

Backstory and Location: Mephesto is a murder who for many years preyed on the citizens of the small settlements around Cyrodil, killing the people while they slept in their beds and taking anything on their person or in their house worth money. When his latest attempt near Bruma failed, he was nearly caught by the authorites and was forced to flee.

He can currently be found in the inn at the Khajit settlement of Borderwatch near Leyawin, waiting for the mess he made near Bruma to clear up before he heads back out, which hopefully will be soon as he's running out of money.

Gaurds attack him on sight, but he's not intially hostile to the player. He might be willing to help the player if they pay him enough.



Dunmer/Imperial (Make her a Dark Elf)

Heavy Armor

Full Dwarven minus helmet, Elven Longsword with Shock Damage enchantment.

Preferably somewhere around 25.

Born of a Dunmer villager of mainland Morrowind, her father an Imperial Legionairre, posted there to defend the lands of the empire. He was sent back home three days after her conception, much to the dismay of his dumner lover. Now, twenty-eight years later, Morina's mother has been killed while visiting Vivec as Mehrunes Dagon and his daedric minions demolished the city. Having allready recieved ample training in the ways of combat and magick, she sets of to Cyrodiil to find out where her father may be, or if he is even still alive. Knowing nothing of him but his face from 28 years earlier, she has no idea where to start, but the homeland of the soverign of the Empire seems the best place to start, considering her father's proffesion...

In Cheydinhal, but ventures often out into the surrounding dungeons to prepare for her quest.

Hold your horses, I will upload it as soon as I can get too my home-computer.

EDIT: Nevermind. I can't seem to make the picture properly... hard to explain. Anyhoo, here's a general description:

She's got LONG black hair and her cheekbones aren't as protrouding as they should be due to her Imperial lineage... enjoy smile.gif


Name: Lotrik

Race: Redguard

Look: Pretty much starting face, with imperial band as an haircut, hair are black, eyes are green

Class: custom class Templar, good with long sword, clad in heavy armor and using a shield, acrobatics, armorer, speechcraft and athletics are his other main skills. Basically a warrior, so attributes are strenght endurance and agility. He is level 15.

Gear: Ebony longsword (+1o fire damage if possible), wear a magical (once again for balance issues maybe not) orc armor.

Story: Lotrik lived in a city of Hammerfell, until he join a Templar order dedicaced to hunting the creatures that plagued the land. The order offered him an enchanted ebony sword as a reward for his services. While he was hunting monsters in the hills of Hammerfell, the order was slaughtered by a mad orc who seemed unkillable. When he came back to the headquarter and discovered the corpse, Lotrik quickly made the rituals for the dead and followed the orc. He ambushed the orc during a night, the duel was fierce, yet, thanks to the ebony blade, he managed to kill the orc, and took the armor as trophey. Learning that creatures and horrors were sighted in Tamriel, he went there, continuing his mission, hiring some fellow redguard mercenaries.

Location: In a camp near Bravil along with two hired mercenaries (steel armor silver longsword)

I love this idea!!!

Race: Breton

Name: Talin (This is the name of my spellsword since Arena, where the name comes from)

Attributes: Intelligence, Strength with Very low personality (around 25ish)

Skills: Destruction, Conjuration, Mysticism, Alchemy, Blade, Heavy Armor, Armorer

Level: 26

Black Hood
Black Wide Pants
Ebony Curiass
Ebony Boots
Ebony Guantlets
Daedric Claymore enchanted with Fire

Where you want them in the game:
chorrol, else leyawiin

A small back story on your character:
Talin has travelled world over in his search of obtaining great magical power, alas he is yet to reach his goal. He is currently researching his next place to vist in the Arcane Univercity.

-If possible a picture or at least description of the characters appearance.
Around 55 years old, with grey-brown short ponytail. His face is fairly thin with some beard shadow on the cheeks. He has a 75% white complextion.

5 and 6

Uglylyx, I've been perusing this mod for some time now and I must say this is one of a thousand mods out there that are re-vivifying Oblivion. I'd love to see some of my characters put in this mod, though I'm only going to post two of them here, as I don't want your eyes to explode. I've edited/altered them so they'll be compatible for this mod. Both will be in the same area, as they're travelling together.

Character 1 -


Vagar the Impaler(name of current character)

-Attributes, skills and level-
Through honing his martial and magical abilities over the years and having fought countless enemies, Vagar has attained a higher prowess in combat than most others he has come to know.
Level 20
Birthsign: The Lady
Specialization: Combat
Attributes: Strength and Intelligence
Skills: Athletics, Blade, Block, Destruction, Heavy Armor, Illusion, Restoration

Armor: Steel Boots, Black Wide Pants, Ebony Cuirass, Steel Gauntlets, Steel Helm, Orcish Shield. If at all possible - it would be great if his boots, gauntlets, and helm each had enchantments of +5 armor and +5% reflect damage, his pants had +10 athletics, and maybe the cuirass with +10 armor and +5% reflect damage. I would appreciate this, as you'll see why in his history. Shield has no enchantments.
Weapon(s): Perforatus(Ebony Longsword with enchantments of Damage Endurance 8pts and Drain Health 8pts for 20sec - if this is too powerful, you can weaken it a bit, but not too much please), though when not using Perforatus he'll be seen wielding either one of his two Fine Steel Shortswords.
Misc: Breads, Meats, Cheeses, Alcohol - all of top quality kinds, and make sure he has a lot of bread and alcohol foodndrink.gif . To emphasize that he has fought, hunted, and killed many kinds of enemies, please place in his inventory human hearts, daedric hearts, skin, horns, fat, etc. to show that he keeps his trophies. Please add a Necklace of Swords to him as well, only if it doesn't overpower him though. Currently has a Black Horse, Loen.

Please place both him and Gorandius within the encampment of the Kvatch survivors, protecting them from enemies. Maybe add two individual tents that they use?

Vagar was born in 3E 396 during the Arnesian War, to Gunther and Ulrika, two of the many slaves revolting against House Dres. They fought, killed, and escaped their way from Morrowind into Cyrodiil with several other slaves. They made their way into eastern Cyrodiil and came upon the settlement of Harlun's Watch and decided to live there, though not indefinitely. Being that it was too close to the borders of Morrowind, the other slaves split off to continue living elsewhere, some ending up back into slavery. Eventually, after many years of living as vagabonds, they made a pilgrimage from living in temporary, makeshift huts in Harlun's Watch towards Anvil. At this time Vagar was around 18 years of age and his father and mother decided to move to Vvardenfell after it was opened for settlement. Vagar decided to stay in Skingrad and he said his farewell to his parents. Vagar spent his early years of living alone raiding bandit, marauder, and slaver camps to earn gold, heighten his combat skills, and to generally help clean up the countryside. His enemies that learned word of him and his deeds, came to know him as Vagar the Impaler, for he favored impaling his enemies with his magical sword. Vagar had obtained Perforatus from a Goblin Warlord when he raided a cave of goblins that were mobilizing to attack a nearby settlement. After a decade of turning in bounties, preventing raids, and hunting down verminous monsters, Vagar made acquaintance with his now greatest ally and friend, Gorandius. From then on, it was him and Gorandius that were helping keep the roads clear of any that would do harm. Despite the fact that they were only two warriors within a land strife with enemies, they planned to make some sort of impact. When they heard of the destruction of Kvatch and the displacement of the citizens that survived they deigned to help those displaced. Coming across the encampment with their intentions open, they were at first turned away, with words of "We don't need your protection!" and "We don't need anyone's protection!". They then explained to the survivors that they do not require any payment, food, or shelter, for they have their own means of survival. Ever since then, they've been allowed to continue protect the encampment.

Vagar is a tall, robust Nord of 37 years old, with darkened skin from his numerous voyages spent outside. Vagar has shoulder-length dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. So put the age slider around the middle and make his jaw and chin squared. His face could be described as similar to or resembling a neanderthal, so try to make his brow and nose somewhat big and wide, but not too much. Give him a beard that is real big(similar to the style of Civil War era heee.gif ) that's salt and pepper-ish, if you can.

Character 2 -


Gorandius(my first Oblivion character ever made)

-Attributes, skills and level-
Level 20
Birthsign: The Warrior
Specialization: Stealth
Attributes: Agility and Personality
Skills: Blade, Block, Illusion, Light Armor, Marksman, Sneak, Speechcraft

-Gear- It would be awesome if you could keep everything the way I have typed it, please. If not....oh well =(.
Armor: Full set of Mithril. Boots have +10 Sneak, Cuirass +10 Agility, Greaves +5 Speed, Gauntlets +10 Blade, and Helm +10 Marksman.
Weapon(s): Darluthir(Elven Shortsword with enchantment of Absorb Health 5pts for 20sec), Panther's Tooth Bow(Ebony Bow with enchantments of Drain Health 15pts for 8sec and Shock Damage +15), plenty of arrows of all kinds, and four Fine Steel Daggers.
Misc: Breads, Meats, Cheeses, Alcohol - all of top quality foodndrink.gif . Make sure he has a lot of different kinds of poisons to deal with all sorts of enemies, please. Also has a Black Horse, Korth.

Near Vagar the Impaler as they're traveling together.

Gorandius was born in 3E 401 to Pyrthos and Vataelia in the Imperial City, which is where he was raised as well. He enlisted into the Imperial Legion when he was 18 in 419 and trained up to be an Imperial Bounty Hunter. Disregarding the fact that he was issued the standard armor and weaponry, he instead opted to use the full set of wonderfully enchanted Mithril armor given to him by his father, who was also an Imperial Bounty Hunter, despite his superiors prompting him to wear what was issued. His mother was the one who bestowed upon him the wonderful artifacts of Darluthir and his beloved Panther's Tooth Bow, both of which have traveled through his family tree for centuries. After serving five years in the Legion, he had been growing absolutely embittered from hearing of the stories where the Imperial Legion just wasn't quick enough to stop bands of bandits, or marauders, or vampires from attacking innocent civilians, so he saw it necessary for him to take action and decided he needed enlightenment. He left the service under unknown circumstances and then immediately set out for hunting down and killing those that prey on the innocent. After several years, he started to hear of stories about a Nord who employs his abilities towards the same goal as himself and impales his opponents with his powerful sword, so he planned to meet this great warrior. One day when Gorandius was stalking a group of five raiders near a large rock between Brindle Home and Melus Petilius' house, he saw the warrior he was seeking to meet. Vagar the Impaler lived true to his name, for he charged into the first raider, taking him down in two blows, second of which he impaled the man with his sword. Gorandius then launched a volley of poisoned arrows at a raider about to dash Vagar's brains out, and he stopped dead in his tracks. They inadvertently joined forces and eliminated the remaining three in a melee that lasted less than two minutes. From that day on, Vagar the Impaler and Gorandius have always traveled together, helping rid the lands of Cyrodiil of all kinds of enemies. Even though Vagar has much more age and field-time experience, Gorandius' knowledge in stalking and taking down bounties has proven to be an invaluable aspect to their team. Currently, they're both protecting the encampment of Kvatch survivors from any who would deem to take advantage of an already weakened populace.

Gorandius is short for an Imperial with lightly tanned skin. He has green eyes with dark circles underneath and raven black, sweptback hair. Face is clean-shaven. Gorandius is rather strong for his size, able to drag away the corpse of a full-grown Orc male that's armored head-to-toe, because he's been required to in the past.


Looks - Random face not very dark skin, very short cornrows black, brown eyes


Aidar Parkrin

-Attributes, skills and level

level - 3 (a nice basic dude)
Skills - blade (very high Blade skill, in case anybody trys to kill him or his master) not very old about middle
light armor
Attributes - Strength, Agility

leather bracers, leather boots, belted shorts (thoose brown ones), Collared shirt, (Basicly the clothes "Bauros" has)
Iron shirt sword, iron arrows, iron bow.
Food, potions, drinks, money.
and a small diary, with some random notes written down... if you could think of any thong, im not very good at that sort of thing.

And could he also be in the Blades Faction, so that he says stuff like"Sir" and all that biggrin.gif

-Where you want them in the game

Out side the door of the stables in cloud ruler temple. (if its possible to have two horses inside the stable would be cool, a white one called Athos, and a Chesnut one called Nayvar)

-A small back story on your character

Menion Rookwoods Squire, He was a slve in one of the most notable and infamous centres of slavery, the city Tear, a city situated on the Southern Coast of Morrowind and bordering the Black Marshe, He was rescued from slavery by Menion.
And after some time in Morrowind (The Elder scrolls 3 Morrowind main quest) with Menion they became close friends and traveled Tamriel together, and also with a Dunmer (more info on him later).

Race: Redguard

Name: Kazar the Deranged

Birthsign: The Warrior

Class: Warrior

Attributes, Skills and level:
* Agility: 68
* Endurance: 56
* Intelligence: 23
* Luck:50
* Personality: 30
* Speed: 77
* Strength: 74
* Willpower: 33

* Blade: 93
* Blunt: 19
* Hand to Hand: 11
* Armourer: 16
* Block: 78
* Heavy Armor: 15
* Athletics: 77
* Alteration: 5
* Destruction: 12
* Restoration: 67
* Alchemy: 10
* Conjuration: 10
* Mysticism: 26
* Illusion: 34
* Security: 24
* Sneak: 22
* Marksman: 40
* Acrobatics: 63
* Light Armour: 74
* Mercantile: 23
* Speechcraft: 20

Level: 11

Gear: Iron Cuirass, Fur helmet, Fur Boots, Mithril Greaves, Glass Gauntlets, Akaviri Katana, Some kind of basic restoration skill.

Where you want them in the game: Just stick him in the Wilderness somewhere.


Ever since a young age Kazar had shown considerable proficiency with a sword. Hailing from an influential family he had thus received very high
quality training in swordplay, his master preferring quick, fast strikes to the usual lumbering war hammer one would find with the common raiders out in the
Wilderness. As he grew older his skills only increased until he finally joined a small sect masquerading as an unknown holy order. A sect bent on the reconstruction of what they believed was a Dwemer weapon. It wasn’t long before they had completely converted them to their way of thinking, entrusting him with small errands regarding minor Dwemer weapons and artefacts which they wished to use. It was however during one of these small errands where he, with a group of likeminded cultists attacked a small convoy heading towards Bruma, a convoy rumoured to contain a Dwemer Cog. The attack was successful, the occupants of the convoy putting up little resistance, offering their prized goods. Indeed it turned out to be more of a holdup than a slaughter. Or so he thought. After claiming everything worth something the leader of their band ordered Kazar to leave no witnesses. He raised his sword and began the massacre, removing every woman, child and man before him so sealing his loyalty to their cause. It did however backfire, the brave last stand of a woman removing two of the cultists armed with just a dagger against men with swords and axes, Kazar ending her life shortly afterwards. Her body fell to the floor and a child cried out, one of a few that had been kept alive for recruitment purposes. Running to the lifeless body of the woman he embraced her and wept. It was at this moment that sanity left Kazar. An almighty roar leaving his lungs he proceeded to butcher his remaining ‘comrades’ as it were, dispatching them with ease before running out his head in his hands.

I've been playing with a new character but it would be really cool if I saw my old character wandering around. Here's his backstory...

"A Mythical Hero of Ages Past, Givorsharr Ha'Aryai saved all of Cyrodiil from the clutches of an evil tyrant. According to legend, once the tyrant was vanquished the Hero disappeared, never to be seen again. Throughout the ages though, people have reported seeing a knight in gleaming armor patrolling the roads of Cyrodiil at night, saving the innocent from bandit and wild beast alike, and then vanishing again without a trace. Bards claim this apparition to be none other than the Hero who once saved Cyrodiil from the evil tyrant, but that is only part of the story.
The truth is that after the Hero defeated the tyrant, he went forth with a small retinue of soldiers into The Heartlands to kill off a pack of vampires praying on passing travellers. The pack turned out to be a lot bigger than they had expected though, and after a massive battle no one, human or vampire, was left standing except for the Hero... who had been bitten during the fight, contracting Porphyric Hemophilia. Shamed by his condition and afraid of what he might do around the living, he went into exile, never to return to his home or see his beloved wife and daughter again. Instead he roamed Cyrodiil at night, protecting travellers from bandit and beast, but never staying long enough for anyone to recognize him as a vampire."

Unfortunately I've lost the save game from when I had built him up into a strong character so I can't give you his stats but I can tell you...

Class: Knight
Born Under: The Lady
Race: Nord
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Dark Brown
Armor: Imperial Dragon Armor (Awarded to him when he defeated the tyrant)
Weapon: Fine Steel Longsword
Shield: Spell Breaker
Horse: Cheydinhal

You can make up the stats but please make him as powerful as you can (he's supposed to be a legend after all). He should be very good with blade and block, as well as the other specialties of a knight, and okay with magic although he is no mage.

Below is a link to a couple of images. Some of them are a little dark so I think the best way to view them is with paint.

[email="http://s693.photobucket.com/albums/vv299/Cyntec/?action=view¤t=Cyntec.jpg"]Picture for "Heroes of Cyrodiil[/email]


Race: Dark Elf

-Name: Morven Arden

-Attributes: str 30 , end 50, int 50, will 30, speed 80(60+20 from the steed),agility 50, personality 20(he is very introspective)

-Class: Witchunter(athletics,marksman,conjuration,destruction,alchemy,security,mysticism

-level: 1

-Gear: Tan lines, brown shirt, leather shoes, iron bow, 40 iron arrows and fur gauntlets

-Where you want them in the game: I want him near the floaded mine, outside bruma

-Appearence: a 17 teenager, he dont smile much, complexion about 60% dark

-A small back story on your character: A religious fanatic, hates daedra,undeads and all beasts that disturbe the peace. His objective in life, is fight and destroy all kind of dark arts and who practice its. (Can't write more because i dont speak english verywell. Then i must stop. I dont want to write bullsh**)
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Christine Pane
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:17 am

Number 7
and a small diary, with some random notes written down... if you could think of any thong, im not very good at that sort of thing.

I have written a diary myself but i did it in the Cs and i cant copy and paste, is there a way i can pass you the file, so i dont have to copy it all down again.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:36 pm

I have written a diary myself but i did it in the Cs and i cant copy and paste, is there a way i can pass you the file, so i dont have to copy it all down again.

You should be able to just reopen it in the CS and copy and paste it into a code box.
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:44 am

I have a question. Do the added NPC's actually walk around? Because I found them to just stand, and do nothing. Maybe you could give some of them an AI package, making them travel around the roads, or something like that :)
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:30 pm

I have a question. Do the added NPC's actually walk around? Because I found them to just stand, and do nothing. Maybe you could give some of them an AI package, making them travel around the roads, or something like that :)

I have them on a wander package. I just don't have it set to continue if player is near.
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renee Duhamel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:23 am

I have them on a wander package. I just don't have it set to continue if player is near.

Why didn't you do that? This way, I can't travel together with them, walking behind them, using them as protection :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:31 am

Why didn't you do that? This way, I can't travel together with them, walking behind them, using them as protection :)

You actually have to be fairly close to get them to stop. Roughly close enough to talk to them.
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