[Rel] Heroes of Cyrodiil Thread II

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:24 am

I finally found my character (Gordon) in Redwater with a new char. Although I wanted him to be alive, him being dead with that letter on his body is far better. :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:49 pm

I finally found my character (Gordon) in Redwater with a new char. Although I wanted him to be alive, him being dead with that letter on his body is far better. :)

Ya but I figured that he'd have died just before getting out alive, he was pretty badly wounded. :P
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:17 am

I have written a diary myself but i did it in the Cs and i cant copy and paste, is there a way i can pass you the file, so i dont have to copy it all down again.

You should be able to just reopen it in the CS and copy and paste it into a code box.

I am Lord Menion Rookwood's Squire

I was slave in the city of Tear on the southern coast of Morrowind until Lord Menion saved me and a load of other slaves, Sadly my brother Kailar died before we made it out.
Ones we got out of the Slave city most of the other slaves ran away to start new lives or join the ones they lost, I on the other hand had nowhere to go me and my brothers were captured when we where babies,
so I asked Lord Menion to allow me to go on with him to help in anyway I can to repay what he did for me, he agreed so that is when I began my life with Lord Menion.

Some years Later we where still in Morrowind, Menion had to help Houses Dress and Hlaalu with some important missions,
We eventually teamed up with a Dunmer called Vlaer Dreth who was searching for a troublesome brother of his, Menion seeing the Dunmers skills asked him to join our little group he agreed and we set out to finish Menions mission in Morrowind. there was something peculier about Vlaer he had the same color eyes as Menion, Silver i wonder what it means...

After a few years we had left Morrowind and set out into Skyrim.
Where Menion gained further fame by Killing the dreaded Ice Troll near Windhelm.
After two years of traveling, with many things in the middle, We reached Hammerfell.
Here Vlaer finally said farewell and set off into Cyrodiil.
I bought myself a Manor house, finally planing to settle down and live a normal life.
Menion stayed with me for a few months but I could see that he wanted to explore more of the world, having just received information about a rebellion in Elsweyr and that they are looking for Mercenaries.
He finally left and so I started my life I had so longed for.

I never did really get the life I wanted because I was always getting called to help defend against pirate raids, and remembering Menions old saying "The closer you are to death, The longer you'll live" I never declined.

A year after Menion left I received a letter from him saying he had an important mission in Cyrodiil, and that he would be honored if I would join with him again. The letter had a key and a map to a place called Dragon Manor near Bravil.

So i set off from Hammerfell with a young Thief called Rayster, he told me he was a good Archer so i let him tag along , Maybe he will be some help later on.
Finaly we reached Cyrodiil, but on the road i got to know Rayster,

He told me he was a member of the Royal Family in Daggerfall, HighRock, And was disowned by them for his favorite passtime ,Stealing, so he left High Rock and headed to Hammerfell and hides behind the name Rayster Vimes.

When we reached Dragon Manor i was speechless, it was a masion with a massive garden a field for horses.
we went inside to mmet Menion but there was only a Khajiit , Imperial, Dunmer and to my surprise a Dremora.
We got talking to them and found out there names Shi Razir, Jester Tax, Venin, Zaruralex...

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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:35 am

I am Lord Menion Rookwood's Squire



Ok I'll wait before I start that character then.
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:32 am

Are people still allowed to submit characters? In that case here is mine

Race: Breton or Nord (whatever you feel is less used, but I would prefer Breton)

Name: Albert LeNorvege

Class: Archer or custom Forester class with Marksmanship, Blade and Alchemy

Level: 4-8

Appearance: In his late 30's or early 40's rather thin. Grizzled and weary.

Gear: Steel/Silver bow and arrows, Steel Longsword, Bruma Cuirass, leather greaves and gloves, chainmail helmet or hood in a matching colour to the cuirass.

In the Jerall mountains not far from Bruma. If you could make him patrol around in the wilderness, and come once a week in to one of the Inns of Bruma, it would be great.

Background: Albert hails from the southern parts of Skyrim. He has always been fond of hunting and staying in the wilderness. Since there wasn't any work to be found in the place he lived, he moved to Bruma where he befriended Burd, who was then just a fresh addition to the Bruma town guard. Beacause of his capabilities of staying out in the wilderness for a long time he was given a position of a scout/patroller/forester on the border of Skyrim, he comes in to the town once a week to buy provisions and report anything noteworthy on the Skyrim border.
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:57 am

hey, just wanted to say, idk if its my game or not but the fourth package that contains the beast characters have regular human skeletons and that causes them in my came to have a long thick glitchy line sticking out where their tails are, i fixed it myself by redoing them with their orginal skeletons but i just wanted to let u know
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:19 am

hey, just wanted to say, idk if its my game or not but the fourth package that contains the beast characters have regular human skeletons and that causes them in my came to have a long thick glitchy line sticking out where their tails are, i fixed it myself by redoing them with their orginal skeletons but i just wanted to let u know

Yhat has never happened to me...
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:27 am

Race: Argonian

Name: Ssavik (yes 2 s's because of the slurr of s's that argonians make)

Age: young as it relates to the story better

Level:14 or even to that of the player incase of run-ins

Class: Possiblity to be Argonian Warlord? if no make class Soilder, be kinda new to the game

Attributes: Strength
Heavy Armor

Gear: Give him a Orcish Cuirass possibly full orchish, and a leather helm would be good, u decide what looks good. and a good enchanted claymore of some kind thats a pain to the player haha, doesnt matter what its made of.

Location: Shadowscale camp? or a dungeon with mauraders would be cool. but hunts them insted of joining. (doesnt matter, makem all the same side, yet again whatever ur able to comprehend)

-Ssavik was born into a tribe or war hungry argonians along the border between blackmarsh and cyrodil. They even gave the blackwood company a run for their money. The culted war mongers sacraficed that of prisoners to help them "gain mana" shall we say. They did this because it was believed that mana would give them strength and the abilty to kill more. And the sacrafices were only done by those who are virgin to war, that was Ssavik. He became bloodthirsty for battle and so left to cyrodil to fullfill his thirst. There may be heros, but Ssavik will put them to the test as a Hero of Black Marsh. :) not to defy ur mod haha
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:09 am

Yhat has never happened to me...

Well idk what happened but i went to go see some of the characters and it happened, i use Talkie's mod to makem follow me and stuff, but when they moved it caused it, idk beats me but when i checkd them on the CS they had regular skeletons that of humans so ya
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CSar L
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:14 pm

Well idk what happened but i went to go see some of the characters and it happened, i use Talkie's mod to makem follow me and stuff, but when they moved it caused it, idk beats me but when i checkd them on the CS they had regular skeletons that of humans so ya

I use TalkieToasters share and recruit aswell but this has never happened to me, do you use any custom reskins on them or better bodie mods?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:11 pm

I use TalkieToasters share and recruit aswell but this has never happened to me, do you use any custom reskins on them or better bodie mods?

no i havent i kept the vanilla bodies for all races, idk what caused the problem, all other characters were fine tho, i just posted to see if any1 had the same problem so far, but other then that it was just the skeleton issue but i fixed it for the couple that needed it.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:28 am

Is this still going? i saw high priority was COMBAT + Orcs and my character is both.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:15 am

Can't believe I almost missed this, lol. I will definitely give it a download. *starts rummaging through old save files to find warrior characters*.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:20 am

Well idk what happened but i went to go see some of the characters and it happened, i use Talkie's mod to makem follow me and stuff, but when they moved it caused it, idk beats me but when i checkd them on the CS they had regular skeletons that of humans so ya

Perhaps you beast skeleton is corrupt? I had some trouble with that. If you can give the names of which characters you are encountering this with I can look into it later.
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:11 am

Perhaps you beast skeleton is corrupt? I had some trouble with that. If you can give the names of which characters you are encountering this with I can look into it later.

I believe it was Ta'savar, Takeecha, R'oban those 3, only beast ones in the 4th pack. and the other packs are fine just wanted to let u know and thanks
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james kite
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:18 am

I believe it was Ta'savar, Takeecha, R'oban those 3, only beast ones in the 4th pack. and the other packs are fine just wanted to let u know and thanks

Ok I'll look into that one.
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:10 pm

Yep they did have skeleton.nif instead of skeletonbeast.nif I fixed that and I'll release it whenever I release the final package.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:34 pm

Name: Malkno Massamis
Class:Guard thats an archer? (make him like a commander like imperial white armor and give him possibly one of their scripts to act like a guard?)
Level: Any level with the guards, not to sure or 15
Attributes:Strength and Endurance
Heavy Armor
Items: Imperial Palace Armor full, possibly a body guard for kicks idc. Longbow of Disinagration would be nice with a few fire, spark arrows
Location:any were in the Imperial City, I like the council chambers in the palace

Backround: Malkno was born in the Imperial City 20 years before the Emperors death. His father was stationed at Fort Frostmoth during the Vvarvendel Crisis and the Nervarne(however its spelled haha) Storys of the houses fighting and the imperial legion in the middle of it all. Malkno was worried, he recieved nothing from his father of his health and being. At 17 he joined the legion training and was a prodigy at his skills with a bow. He moved far up the ranks even those who been there longer then him. He also proved his marksmanship in the arena against his enimies. Uriel Septim acknowledged this boy and bestowed him of an Imperial Captain and shipped him off to Morrowind. There he was traveling to Fort Frostmoth when on the road he meet this stranger. This man/womans mysterious was so powerful and his armor looked like one of a kind. "I may not know you stranger, but i can see u have purpose in this life" and handed Malkno a bow. Touching it was intense power that he had never recieved before. and when he looked up the stranger was gone. He continued his journey and arrived. Word that the Nervarne was just there and that he just walked around seeminglessly. Malkno asked of his father and they pointed to an area just outside the walls. "Here lies Loivius Massamis, a hero in battle and defender of the Emperor." Malkno refused to learn of his death for it would bring him much pain. But from then on Malkno made an oath to protect the Emperor and to defend his city from the purges of evil. And then traveled home unknowing of what was to happen in the following years known to become "The Oblivion Crisis."
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jessica breen
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:40 am

Backround: Malkno was born in the Imperial City 20 years before the Emperors death. His father was stationed at Fort Frostmoth during the Vvarvendel Crisis and the Nervarne(however its spelled haha) Storys of the houses fighting and the imperial legion in the middle of it all. Malkno was worried, he recieved nothing from his father of his health and being. At 17 he joined the legion training and was a prodigy at his skills with a bow. He moved far up the ranks even those who been there longer then him. He also proved his marksmanship in the arena against his enimies. Uriel Septim acknowledged this boy and bestowed him of an Imperial Captain and shipped him off to Morrowind. There he was traveling to Fort Frostmoth when on the road he meet this stranger. This man/womans mysterious was so powerful and his armor looked like one of a kind. "I may not know you stranger, but i can see u have purpose in this life" and handed Malkno a bow. Touching it was intense power that he had never recieved before. and when he looked up the stranger was gone. He continued his journey and arrived. Word that the Nervarne was just there and that he just walked around seeminglessly. Malkno asked of his father and they pointed to an area just outside the walls. "Here lies Loivius Massamis, a hero in battle and defender of the Emperor." Malkno refused to learn of his death for it would bring him much pain. But from then on Malkno made an oath to protect the Emperor and to defend his city from the purges of evil. And then traveled home unknowing of what was to happen in the following years known to become "The Oblivion Crisis."

Thats an awsome background :D
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:17 am

I'm curious, I think I will start game with an orc from Rbp, and I will make it become a lich.
Will you add him in lich form?
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Ian White
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:13 pm

I'm curious, I think I will start game with an orc from Rbp, and I will make it become a lich.
Will you add him in lich form?

No. And to honest I'm not looking for any more characters. Although I'm thinking of slipping in that one up there by Mitchman.
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Anna S
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:37 pm

Thats an awsome background :D

I appreciate the comment, thanks man :celebration:
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:38 am

Since your not making anymore Heroes of Cyrodiil, are you just foing the city butification project or is there somthing new aswell?

Thats an awsome background

I appreciate the comment, thanks man

Your welcome :D
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casey macmillan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:05 am

Man i wish this mod would never close, but every story has and end. He may have something else but hes probly gna focus on one project at a time with the ending of this one is my guess.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:25 am

Man i wish this mod would never close, but every story has and end. He may have something else but hes probly gna focus on one project at a time with the ending of this one is my guess.

Yeah same here. Id like to see a nicer Bruma in his other project.
I wonder if, since hes stoping this, hell let somebody else carry on...
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