I have written a diary myself but i did it in the Cs and i cant copy and paste, is there a way i can pass you the file, so i dont have to copy it all down again.
You should be able to just reopen it in the CS and copy and paste it into a code box.
I am Lord Menion Rookwood's Squire
I was slave in the city of Tear on the southern coast of Morrowind until Lord Menion saved me and a load of other slaves, Sadly my brother Kailar died before we made it out.
Ones we got out of the Slave city most of the other slaves ran away to start new lives or join the ones they lost, I on the other hand had nowhere to go me and my brothers were captured when we where babies,
so I asked Lord Menion to allow me to go on with him to help in anyway I can to repay what he did for me, he agreed so that is when I began my life with Lord Menion.
Some years Later we where still in Morrowind, Menion had to help Houses Dress and Hlaalu with some important missions,
We eventually teamed up with a Dunmer called Vlaer Dreth who was searching for a troublesome brother of his, Menion seeing the Dunmers skills asked him to join our little group he agreed and we set out to finish Menions mission in Morrowind. there was something peculier about Vlaer he had the same color eyes as Menion, Silver i wonder what it means...
After a few years we had left Morrowind and set out into Skyrim.
Where Menion gained further fame by Killing the dreaded Ice Troll near Windhelm.
After two years of traveling, with many things in the middle, We reached Hammerfell.
Here Vlaer finally said farewell and set off into Cyrodiil.
I bought myself a Manor house, finally planing to settle down and live a normal life.
Menion stayed with me for a few months but I could see that he wanted to explore more of the world, having just received information about a rebellion in Elsweyr and that they are looking for Mercenaries.
He finally left and so I started my life I had so longed for.
I never did really get the life I wanted because I was always getting called to help defend against pirate raids, and remembering Menions old saying "The closer you are to death, The longer you'll live" I never declined.
A year after Menion left I received a letter from him saying he had an important mission in Cyrodiil, and that he would be honored if I would join with him again. The letter had a key and a map to a place called Dragon Manor near Bravil.
So i set off from Hammerfell with a young Thief called Rayster, he told me he was a good Archer so i let him tag along , Maybe he will be some help later on.
Finaly we reached Cyrodiil, but on the road i got to know Rayster,
He told me he was a member of the Royal Family in Daggerfall, HighRock, And was disowned by them for his favorite passtime ,Stealing, so he left High Rock and headed to Hammerfell and hides behind the name Rayster Vimes.
When we reached Dragon Manor i was speechless, it was a masion with a massive garden a field for horses.
we went inside to mmet Menion but there was only a Khajiit , Imperial, Dunmer and to my surprise a Dremora.
We got talking to them and found out there names Shi Razir, Jester Tax, Venin, Zaruralex...