A lot of good points in this threat. UI, build parts, radiant quest and settlement where not really done at release. I really wonder if there was a rush to release the game.
What I really miss though is the ability to have someone produce something. Wouldn't Bluffs be a good spot cut wood? The wood wouldn't need to magicly appear in the workshop. Just sell shipments at the general store in connected settlements to simulate that this isn't communism.
A list of things that I like to see from Beth themselves (aside from those things already mentioned):
- The ability to power houses so all spots inside a house are automaticly powered as long as the house is conncected to enough power.
- Outer walls that can be used on uneven ground.
- Tilting the ground for crops
- Evening the ground for looks
- More effiecient power generation (I hate having to spam large generators to power a few turrets that don't svck)
- Invisible guard posts. (only seen in worshop mode) They are much easier to place and naturally fit in. For example having a guard guarding the market doesn't give of that prison vibe.
- The ability to build static "Covennant-style" walls around all major settlements.
- Clean vanilla building options. Crafting the best armor known to mankind and still being unable to build little more than shacks don't go well toghether.
More MM stuff but still belongs to settlements:
- More named characters either appaering naturally along with settlers or settlers turn into a named character by becomming more important.
- Taking the castle shouldn't be the only way to make the MM properly return. Building a radio is pretty easy for the SS and havin a hundred settlers ready should be enough.
- Quests inside settlements to aquire cool new stuff to improve settlements.
- Big projects for those who want to go crazy. (Building a fusion reactor, Getting a quarry, building a casino, repearing old world energy facilities, ...)
- Research instead of just personal skill. Personal skill should only act as a shortcut.
- Delegation of defence. No reason for doing all or any of the work eventually.
- Someone in charge of settlements.
- Oposition of other splinter MM groups under their own leaders. Not nessecarily call themself MM.
- Settlement tiers. For example outpost, village, town with more max popluation unlocked at each level (manual unlock to intentionally keep a settlement small) with increasing needs to be happy. An outpost should be "happy" (80) with all regular needs fullfiled while a town needs some vendors and a place to sozialise.
- "Someone in charge" to talk to everywhere. No more random settlers complaining. (I like good hierarchie)
- Well, nation building eventually. Weird to have a faction called the minutemen without the ability to build a nation. Meaning that there is the need to build a place to meet on a regular basis among other things.
I mentioned a lot of this stuff in other threats but I felt it was worth mentioning it in this context as well.
I love all of your points. I really have a hard time beliving there are even that many raiders, mutants and gunners in the commonwealth to get killed. I think eventually only certain battlegrounds should be left. Raiders would transition into jukies, criminals, mobsters operating in the lower levels of civilization leaving only smaller gangs in the commonwealth.
Cleared out locations could also turn into places for scavengers, ambitious buisnessmen, hiding criminals.
There was a game (I don't remember which but it is well known) where you could pacify the map bit by bit. Each time after an area was weakened by the player the option to start a last stand situation for the enemies in that area appeared.
I highly doubt that Bethesda will revisit the basic mechanics though. They haven't really done that once a game was released. They would have to put a lot of effort into creating a new system to manage changing locations. I am not sure if they really will do that when they can just make another adventure dlc or a simple settlement dlc.