» Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:26 pm
mabye they knew pc would be a big problem, and are know programming the engine to run more optimized for the pc, mabye the next patch will be a big hit, or mabye the need and greed for money due to sales on the consoles has led to the pc industry in regards to Crysis 2 to become a complete **** hole, who knows, im waiting for the end of april, that's my true deadline, if this game isn't completely how i'd as a pc gamer expect it to be, then i will await the next Elder Scrolls, Batman, Brink, Rage, BF3 for my next true gaming experiance, unless i'm let down again by this useless fkin planet. I feel EA have had a BIG influence in the way crysis 2 has evolved, or unevolved on that matter.