Hey, I htink we need to streamline "scraping", and s

Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:21 am

1)"Scraping" action...

OK, almost everything can be scrapped... GREAT, but you can only scrap armors with armor bench, and guns/weapons in weapon benches... so... everything else requires you to take up the junk, go to a "non clipping floor", and drop all the junks, then go to built mode... then and then start scrapping one item at a time, while aiming down at them.... I needed some components, but I couldn't just go the Transfer menu in benches to just hit a "scrap button"? there should be an option to "scrap" ANYWHERE! because it's what I do EVERYWHERE! (by the way, I love how you fixed the "take all" from the inventory box, now you actually ask "Dud, you sure?" instead of just dumping my ENTIRE INVENTORY when I click once too many when I wan to take some mutiple of things... thanks for that) (and also THANKYOU for a button for transfer ALL THE JUNKS at once)

2)Scrapped components...

I was thinking about bringing some scrapped items to my new found base... to built some defences... but I couldn't because when I go to my workbench transfer box... I couldn't find my oil, but I clearly are able to built turrets in my first base... but I couldn't get those components?! I found "wood" but it was not the right amount... is there a sepret antities for base building components box, that we were NOT suppose to reach? if not... please... we need another catigory "components" on character, and for the base box for filtering.. because my second base REALLY NEED OIL... and there is NONE around that base...

3) Farm indicator

When I assign the people to farming, I can never tell if one person is taking care of enough things, or I am exsesively putting them in to farming... if only there is a way to tell what one person is taking care of and what their "Job" and range is... like under their name, and what he takes care of glow, or area highlight or some thing like that... it's really hard to manage/assign them to tasks... or maybe I missed it? and also... did some NPCs just ignore my assignments? when NPCs "fixes walls" it's an indication of them having no tasks? I REALLY NEED TO HAVE A job indicator on them... do you assign them to water? or is that automatic? (sorry... lots of questions.. because I couldn't make the base work quite right...)

Bonus) NPC harvestPLZ, and Spawnpoint for FastTravel item?

Oh, picking farmed items is pain... can the NPCs do that for us? it's kinda wierd... if they caretakse my farms... but they don't know how to store and eat?! and I had to go and harvest... kinda wierd... please add this in so we can streamline the game... I DO LOVE HOW water is automatically bottled for though... thanks for htat... because THAT is actually far from where I spawn in town... OH can we actually built something that changes my spawnpoint to my bases? I'd like to be on my "watch tower room" so If my base is under attack, I can just spawn at my favorite spot and immedatly fight.... don't have to run across town and miss all hte action...

PS thanks also for the breaking down components indicators in benches right below item stats... it helps me ALOT choosing what to scrap... and aslo tagging components is a WONDERFUL feature I just can't live with out... Great game so far... but I can't wait to truely enjoy this when you actually give me "full unlocked key configuration option" and more streamlined

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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:44 am

Streamlined?! No dumbing down please!!!
Haha seriously yes beth you gave us a great settlement feature now give us a great window menu to do all our settlement stuff.
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hannah sillery
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:16 pm

Actually, you can store the junk items in the workbench. They'll get scrapped as-needed while in there, IIRC.

Doesn't work with armor or weapons, again IIRC.
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:51 am

The whole settlement thing is just difficult to perform. It is a chore to ever deal with it. I have settlements with more firepower than the Deathstar but they keep wanting me to show up and defend them while I am doing something else. I do not want to drop what I am doing to travel across the map to save a carrot or two. It takes away the immersion factor for me.

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Iain Lamb
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:52 am

We also need a way to give them names. It drives me absolutely nuts. I want to be able to name them. I'm sure there will be a mod for it but I'm kind of surprised it's not already out.

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le GraiN
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:36 am


Though I do think settlements need some kind of way to see assigned settlers. So I know who is farming, who is working my scavenging stations, etc. Obviously shops are well, obvious.


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Devin Sluis
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:32 am

Junk in workbench is automatically scrapped when needed, surplus components will be stored in the workbench.

Each 'farmer' can work up to 6 foods. Most crop gives 0.5 so they can work up to 12 of them. Mutfruits gives 1, so 6. You only have to assign Settlers to "farm duty", you don't have to assign each crop. Farmers will farm as much as they can.

Food is automatically harvested and surplus put into your workbench. Same for water.

There is a "welcome mat" item you can build that does exactly that... change the spawn point to it. Even if you remove it the spawn will stay there. Last "welcome mat" built is the spawn point.

Components are shared between linked (supply lined) settlements when crafting, but you can only grab them locally (in the settlement you stored them).

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Nick Swan
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:46 am

I kinda name my Settler by outfit. Farmers keep their default poor-looking outfits. Bartenders wear a fancy hat, sunglasses, and an outfit to go with the hat. Defenders obviously wear armor. The Clinic wear a full white outfit of some sort. (Lab coats works very well). And so on.

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Chase McAbee
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:32 am

1)Streamlining scrapping isn't a bad idea, like a button at the workshop to scrap all the items you place into it.

Now I don't believe you should be able to scrap without the workshop, though I do believe that it ought to be brahmin portable and usable out of combat.

2) I'd be nice if supply lines would transfer excess pre-built items such as turrets from one place to another.

3) a job tag on the NPC instead of glowing lines would be better, so I know he's working on farm plot 4-42-1-6-7 instead of wut the heck are you doing? Do you even have a job?

4) Settlements do have harvests, now not sure if they stack in the workshop they never seem to do so for me.

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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:39 am

I'd love a "scrap this item / all items" from the workstation menu. Reason is I'm not usin the settlement charisma perks, so I'm content to lug material around the wastes. So if I need circuits and oil up at tenpenny I can't just grab it. I need to grab the junk that scraps to it. By carrying all that junk I'm not maximizing my carrying capacity.
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