Vault 111, Somewere east of the Capital Wasteland lays Vault 111 and inside Vault 111 the people are running out of water because there water chip has broken and they need a new one so they sent out a group of people from the Vault to go out and find a new one or else all there freinds and family in the Vault would die. The Vault only had two months worth of water left. Each of the people leaving the Vault were given a 10mm pistol, 3 bottles of water, and Vault Security Armor. Now the brave squad of people from Vault 111 must get the chip or else.
The War For America, The year is 2297 twenty years after Project Purity. The Brotherhood thought that twenty years they defeated the Enclave once and for all but they were wrong. When the Enclave was defeated and the remaining troops fled Washington D.C. the Brotherhood expanded and turned Downtown D.C. into a giant Base for themselves there main base was still the Citadel. When the BoS grew they set up big camps all through out the wasteland and there numbers expanded beyond belief. They had wiped out the BoS outcasts, The Talon Company and Littlehorn and Asscoiates they thought that they had made the Wasteland a better place and they had owed it all to the Lone Wanderer but he had mysteriously dissapeared but the BoS did not worry because there was no force in the Wasteland that could defeat them or so they thought. Because once the remeaning Enclave soilders left they got thousands of troops of Enclave from other cities and they launched a full attack on the Capital Wasteland they had twice the amount of men of the Brotherhood but the Brotherhood had the bet defenses and now they are at war again once and for all the final battle!