I think there should be hidden cities ether hidden in the forest or maybe an inhabited Ruin its just a thought but it would make exploring a bit more interesting i mean there is nothing like finding a new place you have never seen before. at least in my opinion... any thoughts?

There should be a reason it's hidden...
Hidden city/village/settlement for either:
Underwater (mainly argonians... other races must pack potions, or have magic)
or, my favorite half-baked idea i just thought of:
City of smarter creatures, (it looks like a regular city full of intelligent enemies, but they will attack you... unless there's a quest that you pose as one or something) like minators, Dreugh, Merchant Mudcrabs, and maybe Daedric creatures (Golden saints, Dremora, etc.) who are permanently linked in Nirn.
^(Monstro Town FTW).