Hidden weapon racks in the Greenhouse

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:12 pm

So, here I am chasing butterflies and bees around in my Greenhouse, when I discover invisible weapon racks that I can add weapons to, and remove them from again later. They behave exactly as any other weapon rack, except they are invisible, and weapons placed on them appear to be floating in mid-air above the planter boxes, at odd angles. I have left weapons on them long enough to respawn, but my weapons are still there, dangling menacingly above the planter boxes.

I have the Greenhouse set up as an extension to Lakeside Manor, and I'm playing on an XBox360. I haven't tried this with the Greenhouse at any other Hearthfire home yet. Does anyone else know if this happens with the other homes? Also, I haven't deconstructed and reconstructed my home yet, to see if it is a recurring glitch, or is unique to this particular build of this particular home.

The invisible weapon racks can be found by standing on a planter box, and reaching up to the rafters, on the opposite side of the same rafter where the bird's nest sits. I figure that if I can have a load of weapons hovering magically over my planter box, they should at least be able to function as a trap, to protect my crop from thieves! :devil:

I would post or link to an image, but I'm prevented from doing so on these forums at present.

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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:46 pm

I have jumped all over the place there and there are none in my one Lakeview Greenhouse,, I have the Armory and Trophy room on that house. You were just standing on one of the middle planters and jumping or looking up? It sounds like you might have a glitch and are getting the Enchanting tower weapon racks, did you perhaps build that first and reload a save game and start again?
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:16 pm

Wonder if it could have anything to do with not having the trophy room?? been some weird glitches in the game. And welcome to the forums Daric.

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Kevin Jay
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:26 pm

Thanks for the welcome, ashleyclark. And thanks for the reply as well, aussie500. I had not built anything else in the western wing of Lakeview Manor. I had a fairly well defined plan for all three Hearthfire houses, even before I had purchased the DLC.

  • Lakeview Manor is my alchemy lab and library, so I have built the Greenhouse, Alchemy Tower, and Library Tower there.
  • Heljarchen Hall is my family home, so I have the Kitchen, Master Bedroom, and Storage Room in that house.
  • Winstad Manor is my "gaersmith" workshop, so I have the Enchanter's Tower, Trophy Room, and Armoury in that house.

Once they were all built, I haven't changed that configuration, and during the construction I knew exactly what I wanted where, and I didn't add the Enchanter's Tower by accident to Lakeview Manor and then replace it. Heljarchen is the only one of the three houses that I have added the long dining table in the main hall to. Winstad is the only one that I have a fully developed forge in the basemant of.

Its a strange situation. Nice to know it is a fairly unique glitch though. On 6th March I posted a screen capture of this glitch on the UESP wiki, but so far nobody has commented on it. I'll have to start investigating it further now, and see if I can replicate it. Thanks for confirming that it isn't a widespread bug though.

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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:37 pm

Have you tried placing weapons in the rack and is it safe? That is, do the weapons disappear? That's the only concern if its truly a glitch.

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Frank Firefly
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 12:21 pm

I have left a stash of about 6 weapons on these invisible weapon racks for well over 10 in-game days, and they are still there when I return to Lakeview Manor, so I guess they're safe. I'll try messing around with an older save, and see if deconstructing the entire house and reconstructing it will result in the weapon racks coming back again or not. Should be an interesting experiment.

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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:23 pm

I do not suppose you could provide a picture of what it looks like with the weapons there? You could probably post links by now. I have no idea where the info on the explanation about when you can post links is, but I remember when I joined I wanted to post proof of the strange glitch I had, and being disappointed I could not post a link, but it did not take that long before that silly message stopped popping up.

The Enchanting Tower only has three racks and the weapon plaque, so it cannot be that. Also the same character of mine who has the Greenhouse at Lakeview also has the Enchanting Tower at Windstad, so it seems unlikely to be some strange connection between the houses.


After much forum searching on newbies not being able to post links I came up with http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1412616-you-do-not-have-permission-to-post-links/#entry21569402 you are almost there Daric Gaersmith, just need to wait a bit longer.

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Kara Payne
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:38 am

Thanks for the explanation of the posting rules for links, aussie500. I well understand the need for such limits, having been an admin and moderator of other forums in the past. It looks like an admin here has rectified the situation by removing the ability to post links to images at all for us "unverified" users. I'm sure my menu bar will change again in a couple of days, and then I'll post an image documenting the glitch.

I just found out (the hard way) that once a Hearthfire home is built, you can't reconstruct it in some other configuration. It has been a long time since I built my Hearthfire homes, and I can seen now why I had put so much effort into planning them in advance. I also see now what you meant when you first asked whether I had built the Enchanter's Tower first and reloaded a save game and started again. You mean, a save game from prior to building the Lakeview Manor house at all, right? No, I definitely didn't do that. My only remaining savegame from prior to building Lakeview Manor is from well before I built any of the Hearthfire homes, as I had amassed such a lot of resources at that time, that I built all three houses simultaneously.

Also, I don't think I have yet found the limit to the number of weapons I can hang above the planter boxes in my Greenhouse in Lakeview Manor, so when I do post an image of this glitch, I'll be sure to post a fresh one, showing the air above my vegetation fair bristling with weaponry. I have a chest full of Silver Swords somewhere, about 70 or so, from my entanglements with the Silver Hand. I'll have to see how many of those I can get hanging off these invisible weapon racks.

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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:33 pm

You should always keep a save just as you are standing at the planning bench (so you can recognise what it is) about to build your first home. Just in case something goes wrong and you want to start again.

Without seeing a picture I cannot think what these mystery racks are from. Maybe you somehow found something that was never finished on that side of the house?

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gemma king
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