I think that it would be really cool if you were able to hide away from enemies, for instance: Let's say that some guards are chasing you down the streets in a city. You manage to take a turn and hide behind some old crates or something and the guards would be like "where did he go?!" :tongue: It kinda makes the game much more tactical and realistic. Earlier you were doomed when people started chasing you, they had x-ray vision and knew excatly where you were at any given time.
To those who have played Amnesia: The Dark Descent: The "hiding" mechanic that game has is brilliant, and I think the TES games would benefit greatly from a simplyfied version of that mechanic. Also think about Assassins Creed, basically the same principal! :spotted owl:
Do we know if Beth has thought of this? Also if you prefer to be forever chased by evil enemies, thats cool too I guess.