Traditionally, the strongest Jarl is High King. Well, I say to Oblivion with tradition. Ulfric just wants to return Skyrim to what it once was, Brunwulf wants to rebuild Skyrim. Just shows who is the better man. Ulfric is a warlord, plain and simple. Brunwulf, he cares for his people. Currently, the Stormcloak/Empire poll is tied, and Brunwulf is in the lead. What this shows is that about as many people support the Empire, as they do the Stormcloaks, but two of those think Ulfric is less suited for the title of High King than Brunwulf. I am a staunched supporter of the Empire and the pro-Imperial Jarls. Balgruuf, Elisif, Kraldar, Idgrod and Brunwulf. Maven, Siddgeir and Igmund, they're okay I guess, but they are a hell of a lot better than the Stormcloak ones: Laila is the only decent on of the buch, and barely. Kokir, Thongvor and Ulfric are two just plain horrible and arrogant, and Vignar, despite being a former Companion, is an old fool like Skald the Elder.
If will always pick Elisif as High Queen, but if I can't pick her, Brunwulf is the best choice really. Skyrim doesn't need warriors, it has plenty of those to spare, it needs merchants and architects, make Skyrim prosperous, and not just for the Nords. Skyrim does belong to the Nords, but that doesn't mean they have to be jerks about it. You only play Stormcloak if you 1. hate the Empire, which is understandable, 2. actually believe what Ulfric says, or you are just in nfatuated with the oaf or 3. you're evil and you want to see humanity burn. The Empire is the choice for the greater good, not of selfishness. It makes sense and it is more noble. The Stormcloaks, that is the rebellious and easy way out. I despise Ulfric, but I think he brings up some legitimate points, but really, his rebellion just made things worse, for the Imperials, for the Nords, just not the Thalmor. My strategy, wait for the Empire to crumble, then just take over, simple as that. But no, Ulfric wants the crown now.
I really wish there was an option to decapitate Ulfric and put his head on a spike. Or at least, an epilogue DLC, where we would get a canon ending for both sides. I still think the Imperial side will be the one Bethesda is going to go for, try not to mention, but will anyway. They have done this in the past, looking at you Neloth. If this was pre-cut content Skyrim, sure, Season Unending, it could go either way, but Elisif staying alive in both endings, Ulfric being outnumbered two to one by the Empire and three to one by the Dominion, with Skyrim not even being secure, yeah sure.
Anyway, Brunwulf will rebuild Windhelm and basically fix everything Ulfric and his kin ruined. Ulfric on the other hand, what does he plan to do? March south to Cyrodiil, burry his head in the snow? Stay on his pretty little stone throne untill he dies of old age? Or is he going to wait for a ture hero to shout his ass of the throne and take over Cyrodiil. Honestly, Ulfric is pathetic, a poor excuse of a Nord that one. Being a Nord isn't being all tough an many, hating elves and generally everyone that isn't a Nord, it means having honor, respecting your ancestors and traditions, having the Empire's back and in recent years, showing compassion to the Dunmer. Solstheim was given to the Dunmer, Brunwulf is a friend of the Dunmer. I like Dunmer, I like Nords, I want to see a Nord Empire or something, but I don't want Ulfric anywhere near it.
Essentially, the whole Stormcloak/Impeial debate can be explained with Tullius and Rikke's famous last words:
Ulfric: "Secure the door."
Galmar: "Already done."
Rikke: "Ulfric. Stop."
Ulfric: "Stop what? Taking Skyrim back from those who'd leave her to rot?"
Rikke: "You're wrong. Ulfric. We need the Empire. Without it Skyrim will assuredly fall to the Dominion."
Galmar: "You were there with us. You saw it. The day the Empire signed that damn treaty was the day the Empire died."
Ulfric: "The Empire is weak, obsolete. Look at how far we've come and with so little. When we're done rooting out Imperial influence here at home, then we will take our war to the Aldmeri Dominion."
Rikke: "You're a damn fool."
Galmar: "Stand aside woman. We've come for the General."
Rikke: "He has given up. But I have not."
Ulfric: "Rikke. Go. You're free to leave."
Rikke: "I'm also free to stay and fight for what I believe in."
Ulfric: "You're also free to die for it."
Rikke: "This is what you wanted? Shield brothers and sisters killing each other? Families torn apart? This is the Skyrim you want?!"
Galmar: "Damnit woman, stand aside."
Rikke: "That's not the Skyrim I want to live in."
Ulfric: "Rikke. You don't have to do this."
Rikke: "You've left me no choice... Talos preserve us."
Ulfric: "This is it for you. Any last words before I send you to Oblivion?"
Tullius: "You realize this is exactly what they wanted."
Galmar: "What who wanted?"
Tullius: "The Thalmor. They stirred up trouble here. Forced us to divert needed resources and throw away good soldiers quelling this rebellion."
Ulfric: "It's a little more than a rebellion, don't you think?"
Galmar: "Heh."
Tullius: "We aren't the bad guys you know."
Ulfric: "Maybe not, but you certainly aren't the good guys."
Tullius: "Perhaps you're right. But then what does that make you?"
Ulfric: "You just said it yourself."
Galmar: "It makes us right."
Tullius: "And if I surrender?"
Ulfric: "The Empire I remember never surrendered."
Galmar: "That Empire is dead. And so are you."
Tullius: "So be it."
Galmar: "Just kill him and let's be done with it already."
Ulfric: "Come, Galmar. Where's your sense of the dramatic moment?"
Galmar: "By the gods! If it's a good ending to some damn story you're after - perhaps the Dragonborn should be the one to do it."
Ulfric: "Good point."
Now, I understand that this is supposed to be some big rebellion ending, but I don't see the good guy in this, or the Nord, just the villain. In my book, Ulfric is the villain. If this was Game of Thrones, a lot of people say he's like Ned Stark, but only in image. Really, Ned Stark would have hated Ulfric. He's more like Roose Bolton, only less smart and less likeable. Yes, Roose Bolton seems more likeable than Ulfric. This all sounds like the worst ending in any other game, congratulations Dragonborn! Now the Empire is doomed and thousands will die! Well done! And really, who is the bigger hero? The person who dies fighting for what they beliebe in or the one that kills for what they believe it? "The Empire I knew never suredered" - that is basically Ulfric's character. The Empire he knew is dead, the Skyrim he knew is dead and he is just clutching what remains of it. He is trapped in the past. Rikke and Tullius, they take the Empire as what it is, not what it once was or what they want it to be. The Empire is flawed, but "liberating" Skyrim really solves nothing, in fact, it makes things worse, even for Skyrim.The guy may be charismatic, but then again, the other racist dude that wanted to bring back the past was also charismatic.