People tend to take a while to forget things like a mindless Argonian Army razing a Province because of the whims of the Hist.
That's A argonian. Just 1, one that shows desire to get along with the argonians through his dialogue, which also is what throws out a possibility to argonian and dunmer tension, just as Suvaris Atheron does, just as Rolff does, whether you want to dismiss his dialogue because Rolff is racist or not. Like I said, it's debatable, but bottom line, we don't have enough to say Ulfric is racist against Argonians and or Dunmer.
Honestly, even if Ulfric did turn out to be a racist, I wouldn't much care. The cause is still worth fighting for.
This is a straight-up Imperials v. Stormcloaks thread right here. But, nonetheless, these two things should be taken into consideration:
1) Ulfric never does or says anything racist
2) Brunwulf agrees that Argonians should remain outside the city walls for safety
People tend to believe the opposite about both of those characters.
This second one is the most important, is it not?
It is proof that there are indeed other reasons to keep the argonians out, which is enough to throw doubt into the Ulfric is racist claim. People that say "Oh it's only because of Ulfric's doctrine! He made them this way!" Have no support for that. The Nords just popped out racists after Ulfric all of a sudden? Really? Lol. Lets just ignore their history of xenophobia and how they've gotten along with the other races in the past. Yep, the racism is new to Nords alright, let alone TES in general.
M'aiq agrees. Argonians and the Dark Elves don't really get along real well... It would be a bad idea to place them together.
Yes, that is kind of inconsistent. For PC users there is that corrects this "inconsistency".
I love how the poll suggests there's some Stormcloaks voting Brunwulf.
Do we call them Free-Winters?
That could give the totally wrong impression of their cause
There are people who support the cause but don't like Ulfric.
Those people should get their heads examined.
I think they're forgetting that Brunwulf's an Imperial. Out of the Stormcloak jarls, there's no contest.
So you'd support the Stormcloaks but deprive them of a leader who believes in the same ideals?
I'm a strong Stormcloak supporter, and don't like Ulfric as a person, but I have a lot of respect for him and don't believe the Stormcloaks can field a better replacement. It's true what Hagrid's saying in that he's not the only option, but apart from him the most capable Stormcloak jarl is Sorli of Morthal, and she's not a patch on him.
If that guy wasn't so young and inexperienced, and not of Laila's stock, he'd probably be top candidate for leadership other than Ulfric, in my opinion. He's certainly an underrated character.
Difference between you and him is you have a chance to actually see for yourself how Ulfric feels, instead of blowing hot air like him. This doesn't sound like someone that just wants power:
Take note of the notes.
Has to be said, if Ulfric was merely after power he'd not want to be High King in his own Skyrim, where that position has considerably little power than the Empire's version. He'd also banish the likes of Brunwulf from his city, and imprison Imperial sympathisers. He seems much too laissez-faire about actual government to be a power-freak.
If I had to choose between the two, I'd go Brunwulf. The options are good for comparison - look at the way they're running Windhelm. Ulfric's Windhelm is rife with poverty, racism, and a general 'blind eye' to problems. Even before becoming Jarl, Brunwulf tries to address these issues, and this continues when he is Jarl.
I find Ulfric suffers from 'middle vision' - he can't see the small scale (i.e. Windhelm) because he's too focused on bigger things; at the same time, he can't focus on the larger scheme of things (i.e. the inevitable war with the Thalmor) because he's too focused on gaining power.
And I'm a supporter of the Empire. For me, it's a no-brainer. I don't like Ulfric at all, and wouldn't want to see him on the throne. Imperial unity is the best thing for Tamriel, from the perspective of defence, trade, resources and just about everything else. The short-term loss of Talos worship is worth the time it gives for the Legions to be rebuilt and prepared for the next war.
Imperial unity is the best thing for Imperials and no one else. Hell, it might not even be that. At this point, I don't think they can handle ruling more than one province anymore. Their collapse may be the best thing for them until they can gain more strength.
You can have unity without central government. That tends to be overlooked. Also overlooked is the fact that the Empire is just Cyrodiil, western Skyrim, and (arguably) High Rock now. It's not the great union of willing nations it was any more, it's a rump - a rump which has proven incapable of both looking after its own interests and that of its members, and has at every turn sided against unity by selling out the rest of the continent to save Nibenay.