High price on Steam and no extras for pre-purchase?

Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:04 am

there will likely be some special retailer pre-order deals when we get closer to the release date.

With Fallout: New Vegas, for example there were about 5 -10 different deals with various retailers in the US alone, each one had some sort of incentive. these were announced about 1 month before the release date IIRC.
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:20 am

And ~15 years from now it's quite possible that we will only be able to buy games online, so then we are stuck with whatever high prices they put up, cause there won't be any price wars between retail stores cause they don't exist any longer.

That will happen in a sci fi authors wet dream, and only there. Retail stores will always exist. If they all get closed down for some indeterminable reason you can bet your bottom dollar that a load of "pirates" will illegally obtain the digital copy of the game and sell it on physical media for a fairer price.
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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:18 pm

Of course, digital distributors have to pay for 5-10-15-whatever gigabytes of bandwidth, have to maintain servers that are large enough to support mass downloads of that 5+GB file (on the day of release, for example). And, depending on the service (Steam, for one), they might also be providing potentially infinite downloads of that 5+GB file, for years.

So, yeah..... digital's all "free", unlike those boxed games. :whistling:

I never said free but hey whatever helps justify your argument right? I seriously doubt that the costs of digital distribution are anywhere near the costs of physical distribution. Here is how I see it:

Physical distribution: Print manuals, buy plastic cases, print box art, make disc, pay for distribution, subtract retailer's cut, multiply by however many copies are sold.

Digital distribution: Pay for server space, subtract service's cut.

Selling the game through an online outlet doesn't cost nearly as much. Sure they may have to pay the service to keep the files up indefinately but that is no different than having to keep making copies of the game in order to sell them. The difference is that they're not having to subtract that extra couple of dollars per copy for production.
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:11 am

$60 is standard price for a game, what are you mad about? Some people perfer digital copies for whatever reason (usually convenience with regards to where they live), and some people like physical copies. Including extras with the phyical copies is to encourage publishers to not go digital only.

The main point of digital copies are to cut off production and shipping costs. This is why being priced the same as a boxed copy with map/instructions is absurd.
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carley moss
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:23 pm

Lol, $59? For Australians Steam are charging $89.00 USD!

I'm dodging Steam for this one and ordering it through a small company for $42.50 AUD :thumbsup:
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:05 am

Can you explain why you are disappointed with us?

You are disappointed that we're buying the game?

/whisper psst, he said disappointed with "Bethesda", not those of us players who will be buying the game...//whisper off
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:57 am

I absolutely agree, for a digital copy to be pushing $60 with no preorder benefits, there's not much reason to buy it through steam, period. Even if you're using steam as your game catalog, you can always add it to your library (it's not a steamworks title, but you can still manually add .exe's into your library). I'm personally grabbing it from Amazon for release date delivery of a physical copy.

And while there's not much use in crying over spilled milk, I remember the "good ol' days" when physical copies retailed at $40 and came with expansive manuals. In color!!!!! Starsiege, Independence Wars (Deluxe), and Homeworld were all favorites of mine for including massive tomes of knowledge (+5). Starsiege in particular had a 50+ page manual AND a giant color Universe Compendium with back story and pseudo-scientific explanations to the universe. *sigh* those were the days...

I agree, and I still love my 500+ plus total pages for all that came with my original Falcon 4.0 (3 ring binder version). Lucky for me I don't really like Steam at all even though I use it for 2 games. I buy from Amazon (have a Prime account...well, wife does) for same day delivery of the physical product as well. I blame EA for the fact that manuals are all but gone now (surprisingly Witcher 2 has a decent manual though) but then I blame EA for almost everything bad in gaming, the rest I blame on Blizzard.
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:50 pm

I've been paying 50 euro forever.. so, *shrug*
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James Baldwin
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:41 am

$60, and it doesn't even have Spell Making? They must be out of their minds. Just pay $50 for a physical copy, it'll have the same Steam functionality.
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:23 am

$60 is standard price for a game, what are you mad about? Some people perfer digital copies for whatever reason (usually convenience with regards to where they live), and some people like physical copies. Including extras with the phyical copies is to encourage publishers to not go digital only.

Um, you haven't been gaming long, have you? Or you game exclusively on consoles? That $60 dollar mark is a "recent" smack in the face in the last few years on the PC, and it was started specifically by Call of Duty Modern Warfare. We get any tier 1 game now, but with no manual, which is 50% more expensive than 10 years ago ($40) with a good manual. Pay more for less, but that's the way it is.
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Rex Help
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:18 am

Games have always been €60 over here. That is $85. So stop whining. :P
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Angela Woods
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:46 am

$60, and it doesn't even have Spell Making? They must be out of their minds. Just pay $50 for a physical copy, it'll have the same Steam functionality.

Ugh, just when I was happily blissfully not thinking of the debacle of no spellmaking, you have to go and ruin it!
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:10 pm

I didn't read much of this, but I think the price is okay for what we'll get, and I definitely don't want any in game extras , because they're unfair to people who can't get them.
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:35 am

Ugh, just when I was happily blissfully not thinking of the debacle of no spellmaking, you have to go and ruin it!

Haha. But seriously, they've removed one of my favorite features of TES games, they can't ask me to compromise and then expect me to pay $60 for a PC copy of their game. They should be happy I'm buying it at all at this point.
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:04 pm

Haha. But seriously, they've removed one of my favorite features of TES games, they can't ask me to compromise and then expect me to pay $60 for a PC copy of their game. They should be happy I'm buying it at all at this point.

If you know that you're not going to like something about the game for sure, you're better off getting the PC version so that you can get mods to fix it. If you get the console versions you're just stuck with whatever Beth dishes out.
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:47 am

We are talking about TES here
What kind of extra items do you want for Steam version game?
Some ingame items?
Creation Kit & Mods should be more than enough

This. I think people forget that they don't have to release a semi user friendly program that lets you do whatever you want to a game that you are already going to spend hundreds of hours with.

Im tired of these threads 6 months ago people were saying "oh I would pay 150 for am elder scrolls game" now noone wants to pay over 50.

beths support with patches, for modders and the quality of game are all extras that a lot of companies don't give out.

Thread should be it might be hard for me to get an extra ten bucks, u guys got any suggestions.
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meg knight
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:11 am

If you look to incentives to decide whether to pre-order or not, that's quite "What? Dumb."

And who said I looked to incentives to decide whether to pre-order or not?

I said, it would be to their advantage to give preorder incentives, as they get as many purchasers on the boat ahead of time. Getting more money from pre-orders is better than "giving everyone an equal shot once the game is out". I guess, if you want to not create a happy bunch of preorder fans, that's your choice.

I personally would buy Skyrim for Skyrim, not for whatever's being offered with it. Although I will take the map. Probably won't use it, as the in-game map seems decent this time.
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:13 am

This. I think people forget that they don't have to release a semi user friendly program that lets you do whatever you want to a game that you are already going to spend hundreds of hours with.

Im tired of these threads 6 months ago people were saying "oh I would pay 150 for am elder scrolls game" now noone wants to pay over 50.

beths support with patches, for modders and the quality of game are all extras that a lot of companies don't give out.

Thread should be it might be hard for me to get an extra ten bucks, u guys got any suggestions.

Just because people aren't saying "OMG SKYRIM SO GOOD LET ME PAY YOU 1,000,000 FOR IT gamesas" doesn't mean they aren't excited. They shouldn't have to pay any more than anybody else and digital distribution should be at least a few bucks cheaper because it helps them to rake in much larger profits.
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:40 am

It's interesting to note that $40 in 1994 dollars equals $60.92 in 2011 dollars.

Souce: http://www.usinflationcalculator.com/

YES! Thank you... I have tried telling people this so many times. To complain about price increases in games is kind of amazing to me. They follow a very slow very predictable increase as the years pass. I can only figure that many gamers haven't had to live in the real world for very long and had to watch the inflation of other common goods. Food, gasoline, cars, homes.... Trust me, you will WISH those items followed the same slow inflation rate that games have enjoyed.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:03 pm

> Pays $1200+ for computer
> Complains that game costs $60
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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:07 am

Why is there so little competition in the US?
Every retailer I've looked at is selling it at exactly the same price. Over here in the UK the RRP for the PC version is £54.99 but I've seen it offered at under £30.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:36 am

Just because people aren't saying "OMG SKYRIM SO GOOD LET ME PAY YOU 1,000,000 FOR IT gamesas" doesn't mean they aren't excited. They shouldn't have to pay any more than anybody else and digital distribution should be at least a few bucks cheaper because it helps them to rake in much larger profits.

Ok console players have been paying 10 dollars more for sub visual games for what 6 years now. Pc games have been resisting the rise in cost to match it.

And ok digital copy should be cheaper so charge 58 instead of sixty be cause that's how much it costs to make a game disk.

Think about it this way

They spent 4-5 years making this game, now I dunno what your average game developer makes but I bet its not cheap. Your not paying sixty dollars for a game disk your paying that guy who say infront of his computer for 5 years .

I'm more upset about paying 60 for a certain annual war shooter that has zero support and crappy money pits masked as dlc.

And there are extras. The sdk is more than worth 10 dollars even if you dont use it, it results in thousands of hours of extras.
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casey macmillan
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:24 pm

YES! Thank you... I have tried telling people this so many times. To complain about price increases in games is kind of amazing to me. They follow a very slow very predictable increase as the years pass. I can only figure that many gamers haven't had to live in the real world for very long and had to watch the inflation of other common goods. Food, gasoline, cars, homes.... Trust me, you will WISH those items followed the same slow inflation rate that games have enjoyed.

It's funny. The assumption that games somehow would be outside of normal economy.

Aside from inflation and the fact that selling their game via steam is everything but free, the production cost of games today vs. 10+ years ago isn't even comparable. It's like taking the budget of a black&white movie back in the 50s and compare it to the blockbusters hollywood produces today.

I bet some of the licenses bethesda has paid for is probably more expensive than those old games entire budget.
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:56 am

Ok console players have been paying 10 dollars more for sub visual games for what 6 years now. Pc games have been resisting the rise in cost to match it.

And ok digital copy should be cheaper so charge 58 instead of sixty be cause that's how much it costs to make a game disk.

Think about it this way

They spent 4-5 years making this game, now I dunno what your average game developer makes but I bet its not cheap. Your not paying sixty dollars for a game disk your paying that guy who say infront of his computer for 5 years .

I'm more upset about paying 60 for a certain annual war shooter that has zero support and crappy money pits masked as dlc.

And there are extras. The sdk is more than worth 10 dollars even if you dont use it, it results in thousands of hours of extras.

Lol you actually are one of the ones willing to pay $100+ for the game aren't you? Okay just because you get lots of entertainment out of it doesn't mean it should cost more or that you should be willing to pay more than the average game on the market.
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Kara Payne
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:56 am

Lol you actually are one of the ones willing to pay $100+ for the game aren't you? Okay just because you get lots of entertainment out of it doesn't mean it should cost more or that you should be willing to pay more than the average game on the market.
. Actualy I am going to pay 150 for it. And it will have extras. But that's neither here nor there, what you are trying to do is justify a thread that is complaining about paying the average market price.

And yes 60$ is.
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