> Pays $1200+ for computer
> Complains that game costs $60
I'm going to use this as an intro to what I was trying to figure out how to say, until I read this.
PC gamers automatically get the option, and some would call it luxury, to maximize their graphics, download and create mods, a couple of things which console gamers do not have the option of doing. While I don't want to start a console war conversation, or rather argument, I would like to point out that there are those of us who just cannot afford nice gaming computers or new computers capable of playing games that require better graphics cards. I mean, I've owned Sims 3 since the day it released but hadn't been able to play it up until this last Christmas when I received my new laptop as a gift, and not a day before because neither I, nor my family, was able to afford a computer that could.
There's trade offs to everything. If you can't afford a brand new computer, but you can swing a console and a $60 pre-order that comes with a paper map and a cloth map. That's it. We still have to buy the DLC if we want it when it comes out, we can't maximize our graphics no matter how new our console or television is, and we can't access the modding community. PC gamers, on the other hand, have computers with the ability to max graphics, download mods, etc. Frankly, the price is fair because of the trade-offs. Console gamers get what they get, PC gamers get what they feel like having (including bug fixes) at no cost to them but some disk space.
Now, one thing I do think is that, for the price, people should be sent a hard copy of their game... but then again, that would render Steam pointless because then you might as well have just pre-ordered your game for PC, got your maps, and STILL had access to max graphics and the modding community.
inb4, you're a butthurt console gamer. No, I'm not, I just prefer things on console. My boyfriend tried to get me to play Oblivion on the PC, and I really did try for a couple of hours, but my hands just can't... do that. I do play some games on the computer though. Things like Heroes, League of Legends, Sims, Age of Mythology, the Tycoon games, etc.