Will there be a high res patch ?
I do not yet have the game , but reading around seems the texture quality is underaverage and probably otpimized for consolles, so I was wondering if there will be a PC high res patch like there had been for Skyrim?
Will there be a high res patch ?
I do not yet have the game , but reading around seems the texture quality is underaverage and probably otpimized for consolles, so I was wondering if there will be a PC high res patch like there had been for Skyrim?
Short answer is - "We don't know." It could be a while, even if they intend to release one. The one for Skyrim didn't release until the Creation Kit came out - so we are probably 3 months from an official high-res patch even if one is coming.
It honestly isn't that bad - it is mainly some enemies. The game looks gorgeous in motion.
def would be nice to have the HD textures for download. Or should we wait to buy a definitive edition like Tomb Raider does where they sell the HD textures as a new game?