1 of 5 interiors done. I went for the "one mesh for the entire interior" approach.
I know I have nothing to say in this, but I have always preferred those "tileset-interiors" (like the basemant set from the vanilla game) to interiors that exactly match the shape of the exterior of the house. Especially since modders often use several house statics to create the exterior of a bigger house, in which case it gets really complicated to work with interiors that can't be customized that easily.
And I thought it might be easier for you to create one of these - since you wouldn't have to do 10 different big interiors, but only one tileset that consists of maybe 10 small meshes that can be done more quickly.
There are three main disadvantage of "tileset" interiors or breaking up the interior in "floor-tiles", "wall-tiles","window-tiles" etc. The first is, that the one who hast to place them in the CS has more work to do.
Second, there may be seams visible, and third, the map of the interior may look strange (because it shows all meshes, not just the ones visible to the player).
Imho, interior tilesets can safely be used for big buildings (really big) and/or buildings with a very simple shape.
Yes, it would just be unrealistic to have interiors not match the exteriors. It wouldn't make sense at all :facepalm:
You can create interiors out of tilesets that match the exteriors, but you can run into the problems I described above.
Looking great Mr Siika, they'll be great to see in Shornhelm!

Thanks, glad you like it!