We shall rise once more to reclaim Tamriel.
Please add a quest for the Direnni isles that allows you to join the Direnni faction, and become leader if you're Altmer. And of course, lead the Direnni to reclaim high rock ^_^
You'll be able to join the 'Direnni Faction' in the sense that you can become a Retainer of Clan Direnni, however you won't be able to ascend rank, or become 'the leader', as the Clan is a family (a quite large and extended one at that) and because of this there usually isn't a set 'Leader' (unless there is war, which hasn't happened for thousands of years, since High Rock was unified under the Clan, lead by http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Aiden_Direnni#Aiden_Direnni (though this was 'lead into battle', Ryan/Ryian Direnni and Raven Direnni were also working behind the scenes, they worked as a Family rather than a strict Leadership) into war allied with the http://www.imperial-library.info/mwbooks/wulfharthsongs.shtml and http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:The_Last_King_of_the_Ayleids, against the Alessian Empire at http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:First_Era#1E_482), (though there would usually be a Patriarch and Matriarch of the Clan) -someone outside of the Clan remains only a Retainer (which can be in the form of Sorcerors, Knights, Messangers, House Servants, etc), an Advisor at best (the most well known Retainer of Clan Direnni being http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Battlespire:Harvest%27s_End,_3E_172) unless they marry into the Clan (or by similar means, like adoption, etc)).
So the player will be able to do a couple of quests for the Direnni, in a round-about faction-like way, and the Direnni will have an intimate involvement in the politics of High Rock, however the Clan won't operate like The Mages Guild, or a Great House like in Morrowind

TOYB, I'll send you the files in the next hour, so you can start playing around with them.
Sweet as Mr Siika, they look great