Ahem, so how do those city claims work? What would I have to do if I wanted to create a settlement, and what would creating a settlement involve (e.g. will I also create quests for that settlement)?
I'd love to try myself at a small village... something like Pelagiad. Just a couple of houses and maybe one major manor or small castle or Imperial fort.
On another note, I have a couple of retextured vanilla buildings that are supposed to look like the Imperial style found in Morrowind, but they would probably fit perfectly into High Rock as well. http://img697.imageshack.us/i/sample1f.jpg/, http://img203.imageshack.us/i/sample2n.jpg/, http://img697.imageshack.us/i/sample3st.jpg/, http://img203.imageshack.us/i/sample4l.jpg/.
The shots are taken in Nifskope and the vanilla textures that are used sometimes are missing, e.g. the windows.
If you're interested, I could finish this tileset with lots of different variations of the several buildings. I can also try and match the textures to those of your cities so that you can use them there as well.
We're trying to avoid retextures (atleast for architecture), but they do look like nice retextures and I'm sure that they would be great in a Vvardenfell-Oblivion mod

If you want to do retextures, and claim a town, http://n2.nabble.com/Dwynnen-tp4531797ef2210626.html would probably be a good Settlement for you (which requires banner retextures, retextures for the Knights of the Raven, and a Logo design to go on both the retextures).
Quests and Npcs will be implemented after we have made each settlement, and they don't neccesarily have to be made by the same modder (someone else can come in to do that), however if you want to make the Npcs and Quests you can, but you must do this after you have finished the settlement claim entirely (and the quests and Npc claim will be a seperate claim aswell, though it will be open to the modder who claimed the settlement, in this case you).