» Mon May 06, 2013 12:04 am
This got out of hand. Good god.
Listen, I tried *multiple times* to contact you, Mr. SGMonkey, for sometime before I had even made plans to start this project. All indications were, from your final post on the HR427 forums, that the project was finished. Never did I claim that this project was even a continuation of HR 427, only that *I* was a former member of HR427 and I wished to take up the reigns and finish what I had started.
I've been trying to visit High Rock for close to half a decade, between TES 4 projects that fell through (TWMP High Rock Extended, for instance); I wanted to get something done and I wanted to contribute something to the community.
There was no indication *anywhere*, on the HR427 forums of this project continuing. I asked around in the TR chat, the P:C chat, the ShotN chat, etc. All indications were that there were no current High Rock projects in the works.
If I have to make my *own* heightmap to continue this project, I will. I'm overly dedicated to doing what I say that I will do. Though, honestly, wouldn't it make much more sense for us to work together? I certainly think that it would.
Hopefully, this will just serve as the beginning of something much better, instead of the end of a project that's already in swing for the purposes of resource contention and wounded pride. As a Mr. Wolli once said, quite astutely: "Can't we all just get along?"
SG, please message me and let me know what you're feeling, or how you'd like to approach this from now on. I had never intended to step on any toes. I just *really* *freaking* *love* this project and I want to see it through to the end. Moreover, I know personally that you're a fantastic cot-danged modder, and being back in the fold with you and some other extremely talented modders would just be the bee's knee's.
I've been upstate for a funeral so I haven't had much time to work on the project since the middle of last week. I'll be heading back down to my one-bedroom coffin in Brooklyn tonight, so expect more screen-shots of the completed and polished lanscapes of the March of Glenpoint and the Barony of Tulune. Huzzah!