Do we know exactly what this means? In what way, precisely, will higher skills contribute more towards leveling?
Here are some options I've considered:
1. The higher the skill value, the easier it is to increase that skill, which allows you to level up faster. Problem: not quite sure how this would work. It seems like this would require that the higher the value in a skill, the more quickly you can increase that skill. This is the opposite to previous games, where the higher a skill gets, the more you need to use that skill to increase it. Also, Todd's quote - but perhaps I'm reading into it a little too much - suggests that it's not that higher skills can be increased more quickly, but rather that given that you've increased a skill the higher the value of that skill you've increased, the more it contributes to leveling.
2. The higher the skill values you've increased, the fewer the number of skill increases you need to make to level up. Problem: you might reach the soft level cap of 50 too quickly if you specialise too much; but it seems like the devs want to encourage specialisation, not punish you for it.
3. The game effectively treats certain skills as your major skills, and it's only by increasing those that you level up. However, as your skills change throughout the game, so too does the skills the game treats as your major skills. Problem: how to start off - maybe your pseudo-major skills are those that you get a racial bonus in? Also: the quote from Todd seems to suggest that your lower skills (the one at level 11) can still contribute to leveling up.
4. The higher the skill values you've increased, the greater your health, magicka, and stamina will increase at level-up. Problem: ???
So I'm inclined to think something like 4 is the way it will go, just because I can't think of any glaring problems with it. And 4 is obviously an interesting change from previous systems. But maybe I've missed another plausible option?
Ok, so it seems like a few people haven't read through the first ten posts or so, and are now just posting the same thing over and over, so I'll just amend this post to summarise the points made. I don't like to do this, because I'd prefer to leave the credit to the people who pointed out where my thinking had gone wrong, but hopefully they don't mind too much (just read the first ten posts or so to see how the discussion unfolded).
Anyway, the consensus is that option 2 is the way the leveling system will work. If you think of leveling up as needing a certain amount of points, then increasing higher skills will give you more points towards that level up. As for the problem of leveling up too fast: this need not be a problem. I thought it might be a problem because you might hit the soft cap of level 50 very quickly, with only having high values in a couple of skills, but once you hit 50 it takes a lot longer to level up. But I was thinking that the soft level cap would work by just making it so that it took a lot longer to increase your skills, and so of course, given that it takes a certain number of skill increases to level up, it will also take a lot longer to level up. So the problem with leveling up too fast on this system would be that you'd get punished for specialising, because you'd find it too hard to level up other skills.
But of course, there's another way to do this: once you hit 50, don't change the rate at which you can increase your skills, but rather change the contribution they make to level up. So, for example, suppose that before level 50, increasing a skill from 90 to 91 contributes 30% to level up. But, once you hit level 50, increasing a skill from 95 to 96 contributes 1% to level up (these might be bad numbers, but it's just illustration).