I'm making a rebalancing mod that is intended to be able to make smithing completely disposable. The mod is balanced around players who never use smithing to sharpen weapons. By giving the player abilities that increase base weapon damage equally as much as smithing can without exploiting. Which is why I am interested in the highest base damage of weapons that have been buffed by smithing, without using the alchemy/enchanting/smithing combination exploit. I believe I have balanced two handed weapons perfectly, but there are other issues, especially with daggers- because I have no idea how they scale endgame at the moment.
I'm also interested in what the base damage of 1 handed weapons, and bows are, so if you used smithing on your endgame weapons without the above described exploit, I am very interested in the base damage of those weapons. You can actually help me a lot by simply saying, how high you have gotten your base dagger damage in vanilla Skyrim without exploiting.
So if you happen to be a player who plays (or played) vanilla Skyrim, who uses smithing but doesn't use exploits in the process, can you please tell me the stats of your weapons?