Highest level character I have is 36 and he's done everything and more (every available core quest except for the final battle plus oodles of xp from various mods). Originally, I intended to hit 50 with at least one character, but now I have no intention of doing that.
I. REFUSE. To let myself hit any level cap. Because I disagree with stopping character progression. Slowing character progression is fine, but stopping it outright through a :flame: level cap? NO.
the highest I got was like....36. The character most likely got F'd in the ass by this broken game. I have no desire to go back 6 hours just because I happened to double save instead of triple saving on one occasion.
I stopped my energy weapon character at almost 46. Hopefully the new perks in LR are going to sweet. Some of the OWB HH and, DM perks have been kinda blah.
57. Used the console to raise the level cap. Good times. Did about every quest, killed tons of stuff with only a low to medium level of farming, and did Dead Money and Honest Hearts. Was before OWB. Might have been my first Honest Hearts playthrough, I think, actually.