» Fri May 27, 2011 7:13 pm
As previously mentioned, you can get to 53.5 at most via leveling based on your character's starting majors.
With careful selection of those to take advantage of free skill awards, you can reach 55 or 56 (at least) by delaying those rewards until after leveling.
Add the Oghma Infinium (artifact quest reward, one use only), which gives +10 each to one of 3 sets of 3 skills, and you can reach 58-59
On one character I managed to hit 61 doing this, but it was a PITA and I do not recommend trying.
Now, let's try for highest level based on raising majors regardless of how you do so:
Assume all majors start at 25
Skills cap at 255 before 'rolling over'
255 - 25 = 230, or 23 levels per skill
23 * 7 = 161
Since you start at level one, that means you could reach L162 before having any of your majors zeroed (and thus losing any associated perks).
I'm actually surprised that 65535 is the ultimate cap, I was expecting it would be 32767. Must be using unsigned 16-bit integers instead of 8-bit ones.