Since we now have the Legendary Mode and no overall level cap, I was wondering what's the highest level you guys/girls have gotten to? I've yet to go past 81.
Since we now have the Legendary Mode and no overall level cap, I was wondering what's the highest level you guys/girls have gotten to? I've yet to go past 81.
The character that has played since 11-11-11 and has done the most things in the game (almost all quests completed) is at level 54. All my other characters never make it past the 40's, if they even get that far. Most have accomplished what they need to by level 25 to 30.
But seriously, The highest I ever got to was 81. That was with the Infinium glitch though. Without the glitch, lvl 45.
Stuck at level 49 because all the skills I use are at 100.
Seriously, though. If the game had a New Game + option, I would consider breaking the level cap with my character.
I've never taken a character beyond mid-50s. Don't know if that will change, but as I've recently discovered that magic can be a ton of fun once I hung in there with it long enough, my current character may go higher.
63, and by the time I'd got far, the character retired due to file bloat induced loading times.
Do you purposely hold your character back from leveling? If so, why?
In one of my play through games, I managed to get to 50.
Now, once I hit 40, I stop leveling. I figured this is where the game throws everything at me, so there's no point to level up.
My current PC is at 64(ish) but he's got a long way to go so I'm not sure how high he'll end up. I'm sure he'll clear 81 but 100? hmmmm.
He has yet to finish the MQ. After that, it's off to Solstheim (still haven't done that DLC) though it would be tempting to do the full Thieve's Guild quest next. I'm not sure how high he'll go; there's still lots of room in One-handed, Light Armor, Block, Restoration, Sneak, Lockpicking, and Speech.
I've already rolled over Alchemy, Enchanting, and Smithing to re-distribute their perks into Alteration and Desctruction (as well as one or two in other trees). Conjuration hit 100 early so I rolled it over but now I've got it back to the 90s (love that Dremora Lord and that Storm Atronach) and am spending perks on it.
260 hours with my main, only level 71.
My current female Breton is at 39. I havent even been to visit the Greybeards yet, done one or two missions for the DB, completed the College of Winterhold MQ and am currently working on Dawnguard. Id be curious to see how high I can get her.
Yeah, mage characters tend to have the longest longevity imo. Warrior characters would have the shortest.
How about, how much, Health, Magicka, and Stamina do you have?