Hines on the Possibility of Console Modding in Skyrim

Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:34 am

Bethesda does not make the tool for us. They make it for them. Then had it down to us. I doubt they would ever go through the trouble of doing that. it's probably always gonna be for PC only.

Depends on how serious they are about getting mods to console. If it is just Todd drumming up interest spouting pie in the sky ideas, then no I doubt they will either. If he is truly serious about pushing for user generated content for the consoles I actually think it is the most likely outcome to meet whatever quality/security/content guidelines MS and Sony come up with to allow it. The only way any sort of QA process could be made both manageable and profitable for MS/Sony and Beth would be to do so. As TES mod'ing is today it would be completely unrealistic to try and put that onto consoles and maintain any sort of quality or security standards.

if the situation you mention ever comes to pass, The world will lose it's last bastion of proper made mods, and PC gaming as we know it will die, taking with it all forms of intellectual gain from video games. that's just my opinion.

Well PC gaming is quite strong today, despite the claims you see here on the forum and is only going to get stronger into the future as hardware continues to accelerate at ever growing rates, digital sales and distribution start to dominate the market, etc., etc. After the next console generation hardware may have advanced to a point that makes console gaming obsolete altogether, who knows. TES losing the ability to mod the game wouldn't have an effect on PC gaming (since if we believe Todd/Pete and the forumites here, barely any PC gamers play TES anyway), but it would spell the end of one of my favorite game series for me.
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:14 am

Nope. Don't comment me on it please, I have no reason.
The money-makers could allow us to add mods but at a security risk.
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:49 am

make a nvde mod, upload it and then some kid is going to play it infront of their parents and laws suites will start appearing.

I would like to inform you that its rated M for a reason. The parent would have made a bad choice of their game and then it would be stupid of them to sue Bethesda. They wouldn't win.
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:13 am

"Hines then finishes up by noting that when the day comes that console mods are possible, Bethesda will be there and ready to support it."

"When that day comes"
It's been a "possibility" for a while. But I assure you, that day is far from today.
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Josh Trembly
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:37 pm

An FPS where you make maps is one thing, and I'm surprised they can control the cheating in that.

Making a mod in a game with such a scope as Skyrim I don't ever see happening. Even if they gave free textures to use for the console, someone would find a way to edit those textures, make a nvde mod, upload it and then some kid is going to play it infront of their parents and laws suites will start appearing.

There is just way too many things that can happen for me to ever see it happening.

Thing is, the way to fix this is the way they implement mods in the first place: a system for managing content delivery. Only approved mods can be ported to consoles. It just requires a lot of infrastructure to work, which is money that companies probably aren't willing to spend.
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:33 pm

Dont call it MODS for consoles...call it user-created addons.

Terminology matters when dealing with Microsoft
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Kerri Lee
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