I have an issue of understanding well what bethesda mean by "Hip fire", because maybe in my language that bad translated (french) and/or because perks who enchance hipe fire seems to be in the wrong place, and/or i miss something.
For my understanding, i can fire with VATS, so it's called "using VATS" in desciption, then there is aiming (firing with the left mouse buton for zooming and have an iron sight) and then what is Hip fire for me and what this mean in my mother tonge language, firing without aiming, without VATS, just firing, nothing more.
Hip fire is actualy in those perks (for be sure that what i talk about this the translation):
- heavy gunner rank 2 & 3
- steady aim Rank 1 & 2
And Many many many mods for weapon.
But, player really fire without VATS and without aiming so mush to create those perk ? i can understand for Heavy gunner, but for Steady aim not really. But the thing who is really anoying is all the mods that increase accuracy in hip fire.
So the question... those mod are really only to enchance hip fire accuracy and just that ? or did they help to aim to ? (no in vats of course (or maybe it is ?) but with the right clic).
I really hope that a bad word choice or this is for both etc because in fact there is many thing to help accuracy in hip fire or for weapon with scope and there is some mod for recoil, who help in all situation but isn't really accuracy, nothing for accuracy only and who help when aiming with the iron sight.
Help me to understand, thanks.