In Skyrim you will encounter Hired Thugs that will fight you to the death, if someone paid them to do so because they got robbed by your character.
At first, when playing my warrior, it felt really great. fresh and new interaction always welcome. It was a promise for actions and consequences
However, it deeply destroys my immersion and sense of rp now that I am playing a Thief.
?Isn't the point of being, in my case at least, a master stealth and thief, being someone who's identity is simply unknown when they are commiting crimes?
Ever had something disappear from your home after someone just recently visited? It's basically reasoned out like that. Something was there before you showed up, and after you'd left, it was noticed that the object in question was missing. You, being the most recent visitor at the time of the item's disappearance makes you the most likely culprit, and the thugs are meant to scare the object out of you. Of course, the thugs don't care for following orders, because they're thugs, and they'd rather leave you for dead and take whatever's worth some coin off your dead body.
I put all the effort in the world I put to steal something without anyone watching me even near the house, but somehow they still find out that it was me. This breaks my rp

If anything, this should add to it. Do you really know people in real life who actually dismiss a suddenly missing object as just a part of their own imagination?
If you do, could I have their addresses?
For research purposes, naturally.