» Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:01 pm
I'm experiencing the same thing as Huebi on this one that makes it just too cheesy for me to even believe that the legion was stalking me. I've been murdering so many of these packs that I've noticed they all have static spawn points, they don't appear in the world until you get close enough to the static spawn point, and once they have appeared even if you are crouched and stealthboy'd up they will still somehow know exactly where you are and come running directly at you. This scenario plays out the exact same every time, I get rushed by these legionaries, almost in a single file line, and they aways know where i am.
This is fine if your a character who's designed to handle all confrontations by pumping out an insane amount of DPS capable of penetrating 5 individuals who are all wearing 14-18dt armor and they only rush you from 1 angle, the angle your already looking in. However not all of us play characters that just focus their [censored] strength in 1 direction and plow through any obstacle like they were the juggernaut. Some of us like to incorporate real world elements into how we fight such as using cover, decoys, traps, flanking, or anything else. Lets face it the british had it wrong. lining up and shooting each other like gentlemen is a pretty boring way to practice war.
I'd prefer if these hit squads were already in the world at all times, on preset patrol paths, and their likleyhood to be near you depends on stalking techniques. such as if you just completed a high profile mission where the whole world knew what you did, then I'd expect the faction that hates you to have their hit squad nearby, actual scouts that exist in the world that see you then run away to inform the hit squad (That is correct, I am disagreeing with vanguard, out of the 80+ times I've triggered hit squads there has never once been a scout type character that informed them of my location, however the one that leads the attack is always a melee with supersledge and the highest DT armor of the group), for the squads to also not have some magical vision that shows them your location regardless of your stealthiness.
Some of the upsides I've noticed about the hit squads is that they unlike most npcs in game actually work as a team, but it might be a poorly scripted team as every encounter is identical. For legion they all have javelins, plasma grenades, plasma mines, a 5mm fully auto rifle, a 308 sniper rifle, a super sledge, and brush guns. The encounter will play out as 1-2 grenades being lobbed at you, every gun opens fire, and the melee guy rushes you. This is the only time in the game when NPCs are thrown at you in a way that implies they are working together. Every other npc encounter follows the same rules, they target you, they aim at you, they try to kill you, they run away if wounded, they are completely oblivious to if they have superior numbers than you or not, and they never try moves such as flanking or anything that involves any kind of strategy.