Whilst you can discuss whether Hitler should be allowed to be portrayed in games, discussion of the man himself, his politics, actions, rise to power and the influence and effect he had is not permitted.
Yeah, I know it severely limits the discussion - sorry, that's the way it is on these forums.
I can understand why those wouldn't be allowed in this thread as they would be somewhat off topic, but aren't those not part of history itself? How can we discuss someones character, and his character certainly is the reason he is avoided, without going into the list of things you have provided? Granted that there are
certain groups that glorify his actions (even today), how do we speak of the man but not what made him? These things are at the very core of this discussion.
In the past we have been allowed to discuss things like this in the Roman nature, which
is ancient history but why put a blanket on a very important part of world history? No offense intended as I know you are just doing your job but I find such a ruling offensive to the study of world history.
Heaven forbid someone gets upset anymore.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana