I made a dead is character on expert(first time not playing on adept, lol) and too many things are able to two hit kill me, but I decided to go with light armor anyways. I was planning on using the fortify restoration loop just a little bit to make combat faster( i die easier, but so will they) but I found out that apparantly that loop has been patched alongside the Oghma Infinium exploit. How would one go about hitting the armor cap for light armor? I'm really not to sure. My smithing skill is at like, 30. I've been trying to transmute stuff and make jewellery, and I'm trying to get smithing up as best I can, but this is just abysmally slow. Lessons from Balimund add up so training isn't quite viable when my gold is needed elsewhere :S
I'm really not sure what to do here. My smithing skill just can't keep up with my other skills, but my equipment is just too dull, but there's nothing at stores/loot that's really much better.(level 17)