Hitting a wall

Post » Fri Sep 27, 2013 12:50 pm

I recently deleted all my Skyrim characters barring one, and I've made a new character of every single race just to give the game a fresh feel for me and a new chance to stick to more pure RPs. The trouble is that I'm having difficulty deciding builds (I mean real difficulty, I feel totally paralysed to really start playing as any of them because I can't decide at all. I want to do something that works, but is a little unique)

I just about have my Altmer and Khajiit sorted...

I'm using the "Whispering Fang" unarmed build for the Khajiit which involves Sneak, Alteration, Archery, Enchanting and heavy armour up to fists of steel.

For my Altmer, I'm majoring in illusion magic because I've never used that skill before. Trouble is, I can't decide whether to go down a more combat or magic route to go alongside it. I've been toying with both one-handed and archery, but other schools of magic also sound appealing to me.

For all my other characters I'm basically totally lost. Above all I'm looking for something that's a bit different and would be cool to RP.

If anyone has any inspiration at all, for any of my characters, or even just a bit of guidance, it would be greatly appreciated. :)

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Post » Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:02 pm

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Post » Fri Sep 27, 2013 1:32 pm

If you'd like specifics, here are a couple builds I've posted to the forums and refined with feedback from members:

Pure Mage

PC basics and restrictions:

  • Female Altmer
  • 2-1 ratio of magicka to health increases, nothing to stamina
  • No conjuring, no armor, no shield, no physical weapons, no conjured weapons, no in-game potions except in Helgen (gotta make own from there on).
  • No smithing or enchanting though purchasing items from vendors is allowed.
  • No grinding of any type!
Perk priority:
  • First skill to perk is Destruction, the goal being to reach Expert as soon as possible
  • Second skill to perk is Alchemy for fortifying and restoration only, no poisons.
  • Third and final skill to perk is Alteration.
  • Sneaking, but not for offense, just reconnoitering. Won't invest perk points until after Destruction is done. Only investing in left side of the tree.
  • Illusion or restoration get perk points after the first three skills are strong.
Quests are prioritized as follows:
  • Postpone main quest initially (can't imagine tackling dragons or Alduin for a while)
  • Activate the mage stone on the way to Riverwood out of Helgen, but then travel to Atronach Stone and switch
  • Agent of Mara out of Riftin
  • Mind of Madness for staff
  • Becoming thane in Hjalmarch and set up Windstad Manor
  • College of Winterhold quest
  • New priestess for temple of Dibella in Markarth

Stealthy Illusionist/Thief

PC basics and restrictions:

  • Bosmer (archery +10, all the stealth skills +5)
  • Armor limited to leather
  • Bow limited to hunting but best available arrow is ok, buying arrows is ok
  • Weapons limited to steel or Skyforge steel
  • Melee limited to dual wield daggers only
  • No shield

Perking skills in the following order of priority:

  • Alchemy - Alchemist (5/5 eventually), Physician, Poisoner, ingredients can only be foraged or given by friendly merchants or from the CoW cache, no buying.
  • Sneak - through Deadly Aim on the right, all the way to Shadow Warrior on the left
  • Archery - Overdraw (5/5 eventually), through Power Shot on the left
  • Illusion tree fully
  • Light armor - all the way on the left up to Deft Movement
  • One handed - Armsman (5/5 eventually), Dual Flurry, Dual Savagery, Fighting Stance, Savage Strike
  • Smithing - one perk for basic ability only, but raw materials must be looted, no buying ingots, leather, leather strips etc.
  • Enchanting - Enchanter (5/5 eventually), items to disenchant must be looted, no buying weapons or apparel from merchants etc.
  • Restoration - 2/2 Recovery and Avoid Death eventually
  • Alteration - Up through 3/3 Magic resistance only

Disallowed magic and skills:

  • Destruction
  • Conjuration (this could be tough, no help from atronachs!?)
  • Alteration (allowed for Magic resistance perks)
  • Block (gonna really miss this)
  • Heavy Armor
  • Two Handed
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Post » Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:43 am

Hows bout a conjuration assassin?

Instead of physical weapons you use the conjured weapons as your main line of defense/offense. Perhaps destruction as a back up just in case.

Here's the skill set that I used for my conjuration assassins.....

Light armor

One-handed ( because it effects the conjured one-handed weapons )

Archery ( same reason as above, it still effects the bound bow )

Destruction, typically the ice destruction to slow your target(s) down but fire is just as good.

Alchemy ( poisons can be applied to bound weapons )

Enchanting to lesson magic costs and buff combat skills and for resistance of magic/elements.

Smithing to improve and create my own gear / equipment


These are my major skills I do add a couple others like Pickpocket to plant poisons and Illusion for invisibility but that's mostly just me expanding on the basic ( see above ) build :smile:

Or my " Nomad / Bum " build. Which is your typical warrior build BUT with a twist. He / she doesn't own a home, they wander around and only carry what they need. I set a weight limit of 150-200lbs including armor but that's just me. They DO NOT for any reason make there own equipment, they only use what they find or what they manage to kill for. :smile:

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Post » Fri Sep 27, 2013 2:03 pm

Arcane assassin?
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