Hmm let us set a default journal setting

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:59 pm

Every time I get a new quest, which can occasionally happen totally randomly just by hearing people talk, the journal ticks off that new quest as "active" and a marker shows up on my compass. Also, if I ever complete a step in the quest that I am on and get a new, subsequent quest, those also tick to "active" and I get more markers. Marker spam! Stop it!

Every time this happens I need to pull up the journal, just to turn the quests off. Over, and over, and over again. Stop it please. What I would LIKE is a checkbox somewhere on the journal page that I just just set all new and existing quests to default to "inactive" mode. That way, if I want a quest to be active I only have to open my journal to turn it on.

Currently it's just annoying journal clickage all the time because I get new quests or complete existing ones on a regular basis. Could we maybe just.. uh, add this little convenience?
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:06 am

Really? Does an idea have to be controversial to get any support on these threads, or is nobody else finding that they care much about the journal?
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Bedford White
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:07 pm

My quest log doesn't behave like yours. New quests never add a new marker. Whatever I have chosen in the quest log is the only one that gets a marker. IT is possible to add more than one marker, but it never adds more than one marker for me.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:42 am

I concur. I do not have this autoquest problem for all quests. Some do seem to automatically take priority. Haven't figured it out. Too many quests.
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:20 pm

Ok so I'm still blatantly having this problem. Every time I get a new quest, the journal automatically sets that quest as active. Every time. If I dont' go into the journal and deactivate every quest every time I get one, then I have compass pointers everywhere.

It's even worse when I'm on a quest line. Every time I reach a new stage in the quest that I'm doing, it auto-activates the next stage in my journal. So Every. Single. Time. I reach an objective, I have to open the journal up and turn the quest back off.

So what I'm asking for is very simple. Please include some sort of master on/off option for the journal. I want to be able to jump to my map and check the odd quest occasionally, but for the most part I want new quests and existing quests to be off, stay off, and default to off when I get them.

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